Grad School, blah.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Kinda tired of 'grad school' and 'working' and 'paying bills.' Now accepting applications for: Sugar Daddy.
just kidding.

As we sit here, I am currently in class. 7:00-9:30 is a long time for this teacher who has been working all day to go and sit in a classroom. I am currently planning centers, I am on Facebook and I am blogging *obviously. This class isn't bad but I can only think of a MILLION things I need to do besides sit here and take notes.

I am very thankful for the opportunity to finish grad school before (hopefully) a husband, a home and kids take my time and attention. God has always had it on my heart to get my Master's Degree and I know that it is a goal that I have always wanted to accomplish. I can't WAIT until it is over!

When I graduate, and walk across that Grove stage, I am done with school. Now, National Boards is a different story and hopefully I will achieve that as well.

Do Grad school, do it but don't think it'll be easy!

Grad school sucks. Perhaps trophy wife would have been a more appropriate career path...


  1. I just applied for Grad School and I'm already having the "WHAT THE HECK WAS I THINKING?!" thoughts. And I haven't even been accepted. Ugh. At least you're near the end! Keep up the hard work, girlie!

  2. I applied to grad school and got in and then said, "WHAT am I thinking?!" and changed my mind. I never regretted it once :)

    Proud of you and the work you're doing. It'll pay off in the long run! Keep your head high and just keep swimming.

    Oh, and I mayyyyy be coming back to the blog world tomorrow :)!!!!!

  3. hahha cannot imagine having homework again...


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