This crazy thing I like to call... LIFE.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Life is busy, y'all. But I miss this blog...
so.. I must come back.

There are so many memories that have been made lately. Weddings,babies, family time, shopping, baking.. you name it and we've done it. I think it would only be appropriate to do a collage of memories/pictures that I've taken lately.

God has blessed me with many different opportunities in my life. So many of these pictures make me super happy to see what HE has done! Shooting guns, buying pottery at the McCarty sale and Spring Break memories are my favorite. I'm a lucky girl!

See that cute bulletin board up there with burlap? It was $10 at a thrift store. Oh, I can't wait to see it in my classroom tomorrow morning! Be looking for it on Instagram soon. 
This past week was Spring Break and I had SO much fun! It dawned on me today that I didn't take but a couple of hours to rest on this SB but at least I made lots of memories with people I love. 

One of my favorite memories of SB this year was the day that I baked a coconut cake with my Mom(grandmother). Bre and I went and spent the afternoon with her and secretly I think she LOVED it. The cake wasn't bad either, I'm not a huge fan of coconut though!

I can't wait to get back to recording my life on here but until then... Hope y'all have a great week. 

1 comment:

  1. oh the downfalls of doing fun things and not having time to blog about them. our lives are so hard ;)


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