Almost over.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Life is rolling on. Wow. I can't believe I am almost an adult. How scary is that?
This week has been crazy! I just can't seem to catch up, get ahead, must less get sleep. Oh well. One day I'll look back and miss these days. I hear all the time, "These are the best years of your life!" How true it is! I love these days but I am ready for life without homework.
Interesting points of the week:
* Went to observation @ NMRC! Love it. Autism is being introduced to me and man, it is intense. So glad I get to learn about it first hand.
*I went to the BSU Commissioning service tuesday night, and God revealed he had something big for me. Not sure yet what that is. Summer Missions next summer, maybe?
Made the decision, finally to stick with Elementary Education/Special Ed endorsement(concentration). I really feel a calling to Special Ed so that is probably what I will end up doing. :)
God has big plans. I get overwhelmed, scared, and frustrated with myself over all of the decisions. Why can't I just hang them over, which is exactly what he is waiting on anyway! God take the pen away from me, and write my story. :)
* Saw this quote on a FB page and it literally described what I was going through. Love those little reminders.
When His sovereign plan and your earthly plan collide a decision must be made. Who is in charge of this journey?
so true. huh?!
Hope your week has been great.
Red/Blue game tomorrow, Dexter McCluster in the Grove, and Goodbye Colonel Reb. Busy day.

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