It's Finally Friday, Free Again!

Friday, January 28, 2011

1. If my house was on fire and I could only grab 3 things I would grab.. Harper, My malteese, My laptop for all the pictures, school documents, and every other important thing on there AND.. my cellphone. It's my storage unit! :)

2. A smell I really like is.. babies right after they have had a bath, vanilla cupcakes baking, and.. cinnamon candles in the fall. Love it!
3. Something you might not know about me is that.. I am OCD when it comes to most things in my house. I can't stand lights to be on when someone is not in the room,(just ask my roomates) and I can totally notice if someone has moved something in my room. It's like my brain takes pictures of objects and stores where they were placed. Wierd, Yes!
4. Some of my favorite websites to putter about on are  blogger, of course, facebook, twitter, etsy, Ole Miss, ebay..
5. This weekend I will be resting with my family.  Hopefully I will save money for next weekend.  Pretty sure our shopping excursions will presume them. Blessed, mother has Bronchitus! :(

6. Nothing makes me happier than.. looking at wedding magazines and dreaming about what my groom and my day will be like. I can't wait!
7. A bad habit I have is.. not washing my hair everyday. Oops!


  1. I wish that I didn't have to wash my hair every day!! Stupid oily hair of mine!

  2. It was nice to learn a little bit about you. Have a nice weekend :)


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