It's Monday All Over Again...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

1.)  Started back student teaching today and realized how much I've missed those kiddos.  They told me how much they had missed me and that's what makes these 35 hour work weeks worth it! :)

2.)  I dominated attempted Chimichangas tonight for supper and it was TERRIBLE! Sorry future husband. I'm not the best cook! 

3.)  I'm really not looking forward to the predicted snow coming up tomorrow night.

4.) My Iphone needs repair and I'm too sad to give it up. It's attactched to my hip! 

5.)  I love having no responsibility right now. I'm still exhausted just thinking about last semester!

Happy Monday!


  1. Ugh...I hate when I cook something and it doesn't turn out right. I went simple tonight and just made tacos.

  2. I start my student teaching next week and cannot wait!

  3. that's great that you want to be a teacher. I'm studying to be a school psychologist :)

    Nice to meet you!


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