Baby Rourke was born and we visited him and his family at the Women's Hospital. Such a precious family and I am so glad that they were part of my life for one great year. They are a precious family and God sure knew what he was doing when he put them in charge of being our mentor group leaders! :)
I turned 21 and spent my birthday with my mother, daddy, and brother eating at Chili's. The weather got snowy and icy and my friends and I couldn't do anything. It was kinda sad but I loved spending time with my family.
I began my student observation at NMRC, working with my Special Need Adults. They were precious, carefree, and definitely showed me that I have chosen the right career path. I would love to work at a home like this one day and love and teach these precious people.
I went to the McCarty sale with my faithful cousin, Carmen who hated me after it. For all of you who might not know this is a pottery sale of the pottery that my mother and I collect. I got some great pieces for my collection and my cousin did too! She told me that she would NEVER go back! Did I mention that we slept in our car, drove 2 hours and stood in line for 12 hours? Wonder why!
I went to the coast and NOLA for Spring Break with Caitlyn and her family. Our plans got changed the day before we were to go but we ended up having a great time exactly where we were.
My Altima got hit again!.. And of course at a Yardsale. :) Luckily it was easy to fix.
I went to Double Decker with Michelle. Good times! We also paid and got our picture taken with Colonel Rebel who made an appearance for the last time! Boo!!

We made huge renovations on my parent's house which included painting every wall, putting down hardwood floors, and many other beautiful things! I love it and my mama got what she has always wanted in the house.
Took a class during May intercession. 2 weeks and DONE!
Also, a mentor reunion with The Stevenson's and a great time of catching up! :)
(This was an older picture but this is the group.)
I started my first class of the summer. My teacher didn't show up for the first 2 weeks of class because she was at a conference. It was neat because we weren't too stressed 2 weeks out of the 4 week class.
This was my group from class! We went to Rowan Oak, home of William Faulkner to do our Webquest for class. These ladies are also some of my great friends and roommates. (All but Lane)
I went and watched Cole play in his T-ball game. He was precious and so good! :)
I, along with my friend Beka taught the Kindergarten class of VBS at our church! :)
We had a mother/daughter banquet at our church.
Attended Ashley and Chad's wedding.
(Notice the lobster face.)
Caleb and Emily had a beautiful wedding.
Man, a busy month.
Started my 2nd summer class. This was getting old! haha
After class one day.. Pool time. Even little Harper went.
Colonel Reb was voted on to NOT be the mascot for Ole Miss. Boo! He'll always be my mascot.
Harper turned 1!
She had a fun birthday party. Spoiled Dog!
I made the move from my little cottage to my apartment! :)
Babysat Ansley and Addison
Summer was a fun time!
Moved in to my new place! :)
Started Student teaching at Lafayette lower Elementary. Love it! Kindergarten is the best!
I helped Caitlyn celebrate her 20th birthday!

I adopted Esnard with Lane at the Shane and Shane Concert! Isn't she precious?!
Football season was in full swing! :) Go Rebels! Hotty Toddy!
Was a Bridesmaid in Haley and Harvey's Wedding.
Decorated my apartment for fall.
School was KILLING me! Hardest semester of my life.
BSU Costume Party
The Egg Bowl.. Which we lost!
Family time! :)
Christmas Decorating.. My Favorite!
The Semester was OVER! :)
My 1st White Christmas!
A Wonderful New Year spent with the best, Caitlyn! :)
Here we go 2011! You have big shoes to fill!
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