It's that time again. I can't tell you how excited I get about Fill in the Blank Friday. :) Let's go...
My most prized possession is my precious,terrible,cute-as-a-bug furry, white fur baby. Harper was bought for me when I was a Junior in college and I love her to pieces. She is definitely a growing up experience for me because she requires so much attention. I just. love her!
the day I brought Harper home!
and.. now!
If I could be one age for the rest of my life, I would want to be 22. It's the age that I am now and I have responsibilities that require me to be and do my best but nothing that I can't handle. So far! I also am at a time in my life that I have the potential to do great and important things for myself and that I can make decisions that are going to impact the rest of my life. This is such a great age!
The best way to spend a weekend is eating Mexican food with friends, shopping, spending time with family, and church on Sunday. Now you know exactly what happens on my weekends! :)
My outlook on life is very positive! I believe that every circumstance, event, and mountain that we climb was perfectly orchestrated by our Maker! God knows exactly what he is doing even when we don't and we just need to step back and let God do what he does best! Run our lives..
If you want to annoy me, just act like you know everything about everything. That annoys the mess out of me.
I am completely defenseless when it comes to french fries, cupcakes, boys in Chaco's, Cole Haans, Oh wait! So much more.
When dressing for the day one should wear the clothes that make them feel the best that they can. Also, assessorize with jewelry, scarves, purses that make them feel like they are worth a million bucks. You only live once, may as well feel cute! :)
(Inside Joke)I'll meet Jesus with my new Louis Vuitton... :)
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