One-- My 10-day lesson plan is over and defeated! I made a great score on it and I couldn't be happier. This part of my life is about to be over. I.can.not.believe.it. Scary!
two- I'm thankful for Kindergarteners and the insight that they choose to bless me with. "Mrs. Lauren, I know how to milk a cow. You pull their tail." Love it!
y three-- It's almost the weekend. It's much needed.
four-- Parents who love me unconditionally and would do anything for me. Sacrificial for sure!
five-- DiscipleNow is this weekend and I'm going to be helping our church. Let is be for you, God!
six-- I have so much to do but so thankful for the ability to get it all done!
TGIF.. almost!
You pull their tail?! Hahaha I love them! And I just read your post from Tuesday. Don't worry, I have a list of baby names too! Me, Meagan, and Molly all make sure none of ours are the same. We don't wanna do like parents of our generation and name every other kid Brittany, Mallory, or Ashley!