My kiddos at school make my day with their crazy selves. Just being innocent and sweet!
I'm teaching my 10-day lesson tomorrow and getting it over with. After that, two months of a few projects and having fun with my kinders and I'm on the countdown to graduation!
I don't want to talk about it. It's starting to hit me and I must say that I am pretty sad about it!
Pretty sure I need this! :)
Thankful that my brother's injury from the other day is healing. Thank you Lord!
I need one of these monogrammed iPhone covers. Too trendy!
Duh, I'm from the South. I love my monograms!
Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken," says the LORD. Isaiah 54:10
loving this promise!
Seems like when I get stressed and flustered, as Marjorie says, I need to remember this and be thankful for it!
Remember my pottery finds from last years McCarty sale. well.. I'm going again on Monday. Stay tuned for new purchases. Excitement, much!
Happy Wednesday.. for another 14 minutes! :)
Where are the iphone covers from?! Love them!