New York is where it's at.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Oh my! Where do I even begin. New York was amazing!

I am so glad that I got to spend that time with my mama and she was such a good sport about everything. :)

We wore ourselves out trying to pack all that we wanted to do in 4 days but.. we accomplished everything but 1 that wasn't THAT important to us, just a want to. 

I'm going to let my pictures tell the story. 
(stick with me here).

 These are extremely blurry but these were taken on our night tour atop the Double Decker Buses. This was such a neat thing to see. The skyline at night was amazing!

This town never sleeps. Loved all the hustle and bustle. 

My sweet mother and I. Not the most flattering picture. 

 This flag had all the names of the people who were killed in 9-11. Man, this place left me in awe. It's terrible what these people went through but they are remembered daily! 
 This is one of the beds that the fireman/policeman slept in at St. Peter's Cathedral when they had a few minutes to rest. Wow!

this was a display of fireman/policeman patches that people bring from all over the world. It's in the shape of a  person. How heartbreaking is that!
Mama and I with the new Freedom Tower at Ground Zero. It's going to be amazing. just get ready to hear all about it. 
Yeah, i'm that cool. this little lady was awesome to see! Definitely something that you should see one time in your lifetime! 
Jumping picture at the Top of the Rock. :)
Middle of Times Square- There is a HUGE billboard that takes pictures of people walking. When we figured this out we had to do what everyone else was doing. ha! 
Can you find us? ha!
Fun Cab ride to serendipity! :)
So much fun! Worth the wait, too!
Top of the Rock. So much fun! But.. I prefer the Empire State Building which we did on our last trip to the BIG APPLE!

Ok, really. I could show you every picture but I will spare you that craziness. 
If you have any questions, I'm no professional but I would love to answer them or tell you what we thought. 

Next up: My new Apartment! :)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE seeing peoples pictures from their trip to New York! I am from NYC and I love seeing the things people do when they visit :) I'm glad you had a fun time!


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