Thursday is a good day.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hey Friends!

Just got home from my first, 1st grade teacher meeting. Overwhelmed is the word. Look it up.  I'm so excited but very unsure of myself and hoping that I can be the best teacher that I can be.  Please start praying now ! :) I found out the name of the precious firsties that will be in my class today and I am very excited. That makes it real

I am just now realizing that I forgot to do WILW and I'm sad. There is always next week..

I packed ALL day yesterday and I am hopefully going to finish up today. Last night was probably my last night to spend the night in Oxford. Yes, it's sad. But... I am so filled with joy about my new life in Southaven! I was thinking today while driving how Jesus has given me the desires of my Heart. I will forever be grateful. I'm so thankful for friends, family, and a job! continue to pray for my friends who are still waiting. I can't imagine!

I'm stressing but looking forward to:
  • leaving for New York on Saturday.
  • decorating my classroom. (pictures under this list) Any neat suggestions? I lucked up and the teacher before me left a plethora of things. I will get rid of some of it though! :)
  • moving and decorating my apartment.
  • starting new. God is good!

 Hope your Thursday is going well. :)


  1. LAUREN! I am SO excited for you and your new job! Did I know you were teaching in South Haven as a first grade teacher? I'm not sure. This just shows how much catching up we need to do ASAP!
    Who's going to New York? I'd go! ;)
    Love you and seriously, let's hang out soon!

  2. That looks soooo exciting!!!!!! :)

    good luck on the upcoming school yr!


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