
Sunday, July 24, 2011

It's all new. 
It's good, different, exciting. 

I'm so excited about the potential that this move has for me. I'm getting nervous for 2 weeks when school starts! Ah!

Today I went and attended the Worship services @

DeSoto Hills Baptist Church.
I really enjoyed the service and the Pastor was very interesting. Trusting that God will show me exactly where he wants me. :)

I can't wait to keep you informed of this journey. God is good, yes he is. 


  1. Wow, two weeks huh? That is very soon!

  2. school starts so soon! i'm glad you enjoyed the church. finding a church can be tricky, but i'm sure you'll find the right one.

  3. Hey girl! Since you are so close you should come and try our church. I would love to host you for a morning...or more!!! We have an awesome young adults class who are all very close and very active! Let me know if you are interested!!!


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