Pinterest, School Days

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Pinterest is amazing! We all know it. :)

I catch myself on there for hours at a time, coveting all the fun ideas, crafts, DIY and decorations. Goodness knows, it's a time consumer. 

my version-- An old drink crate, spray painted, and the polish put in slots. I still like the first idea better. Maybe, I'll find a spice rack soon. :)

Source: via Trish on Pinterest

Made this.. Looks exactly the same. No picture to show!

I'm on a roll. Stalking craigslist daily for these things to Re-do. Love this! 
Pinterest, you are a great thing but you just might become an addiction.

Today was the day that I have always wondered what it would be like. My principal walked in and did a formal evaluation. I wasn't nervous, surprisingly but so glad that it's over for this semester. She gave me some things to improve but was very pleased overall. Thanking my LORD for his blessings! 

Brutal Murder of my last name, but sweet none-the-less.

 Our hallway art holders. Love this personalization. :)

"Mom- I'm tired of you always doing school work."

I want to be in that parade.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

What parade, You ask?
This morning @ DeSoto Hills Baptist, the preacher preached about getting on board and telling others about the wonderful relationship that we have with our Lord. Telling others about what he has done for us and how we love him so!

He brought up the fact that we all get in ruts at sometime or another in our lives but it's how we overcome them and persevere through them that shows who we really are as a person.  Ever watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade?? I have! It's a tradition to get up on Thanksgiving morning, watch the parade, and then have a wonderful meal with the family and give thanks for all that God has blessed us with. 
Should we wait for Thanksgiving Day to give thanks or can we do it any day of the week? 
I think we all know that answer! 

God has given me a comfortable life, a loving Mama and Daddy who are still together and has shown me what a loving marriage is supposed to look like, a brother who is a protector, and family/friends who are like none other. He has given me multiple opportunities to witness on mission trips for him, and show my love for others in many different ways. He has provided grace and forgiveness in those times when I have messed up and he has helped me show love towards those who are not so lovable. 

It just does my heart good to THANK him for all his goodness!

We should lead people to him by our lives and actions and how we treat others. I was convicted in what I am NOT doing for the Lord and I know that he has plans to help me show others him! 

This weekend has been fun, fun! Michelle and Miss Lilly came into town and we shopped, went and saw Final Destination 5 (gracious help me), and ate some delicious meals! 
Harper wasn't sure if she liked her or not, but they did get along pretty well! 
See you soon, Lilly!-- 

Hope your Sunday is full of love! 

Blankety, Blank Friday! :) (not what you think)

Friday, August 26, 2011

1.   One of life's most simple pleasures is   a Route 44 Diet Coke from Sonic. Oh, goodness! My favorite treat! 

2.  Rude people when I am checking out at a store   makes me want to punch someone.

3.  I like  romantic movies  because,   they give me hope of what to look forward to in the future.

4.    supercalifragalistic   is a funny word. {loved seeing Mary Poppins on Broadway in NYC!}

5.  If I had to choose one beauty product to use for the rest of eternity it would be   Foundation. My most favorite makeup product. andddd... finger nail polish. haha

6.  I'm happy that   it's the weekend, i'm going to have company, and long weekend next week.

7.  I would never   
 think that abortion was right. It makes me sick to think that a human that God made could kill another human that he made and had a plan for since the moment he/she was created. Oh, I'm getting sick just typing this. Abortion is wrong and it breaks my heart for our generation to think its just another procedure. 

Here's to a relaxing Friday night with Shopping, eating Chick-fil-a, watching movies, catching up on blogs, and attempting to de-clutter my apartment! 

Happy Weekend! 

Loving these things!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

It's Wednesday! Praise him! Ready for the weekend already! :)

I'm working on some Pinterest ideas this week. I just love having time to do artsy things and investing on some decorations for my apartment! Isn't Pinterest fun? Can't wait to show you my inspiration/creations. :)
I'm feelings lots more prepared as a teacher. It has been a hard ride but I seriously LOVE what I do. I just hope that years down the road, i see my first grade babies and they are doctors/lawyers/ and people that I can be proud of. I also hope they remember the fun times that we have!

I took this precious video of my class singing our "Noun Jingle" today. 
Just in case you were wondering:
This little noun
floating around
names a person, place, or thing
with a knick-nack, paddywack
These are English rules
Isn't language fun and cool?
My class loves anything put to a song! They are so expressive and cute! :)
I had dinner with Lane tonight. It does my heart good to eat, talk, and share life with such sweet friends. I'm glad to have people that understand what I am talking about and who I can vent with. Love teacher friends!

I'm hoping everyone has a lovely rest of the week! Here's to getting a lot done!

Tail Wagging Tuesday

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I just love this little link-up. CMAE helps us to showoff our furbabies and that makes me happy! :)

The funniest moment captured on camera for me was definitely this one... 

Isn't that the cutest?? Harper is such a good baby. I feel so bad because I am gone so much but she is such a big girl and takes good care of herself! She is such a spoiled baby! I feel like she sleeps her LIFE away. 

I am very excited because I published my teaching blog today. Check it out.

Happy Tuesday. Love on those furbabies today!

Monday, Monday, Monday

Monday, August 22, 2011

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters
I've gotten out of the habit of blogging everyday. Oh, well. Guess that's the real world.

I love it. Such a rewarding and exciting job that will exhaust you by the end of the day. I get only about 10,000 "Ms. Patton's" a day, and those precious little kids know how to wear my patience thin. I used to think that teachers who yelled just needed some more patience. Oh, my. Have I turned into one of those. I'm working on it though. I HATE yelling at my babies. 

Online Shopping
I have suddenly started ordering things online. I used to be skeptical but now, I LOVE IT! Mostly because I am now so exhausted when I come home that it is just easier but its' addicting. So much fun!
I finally got my checks in today that I ordered in JUNE! Believe me, that company has heard from me more than they wanted to. Worth the Wait!

I absolutely love my weekends. Cleaning, shopping, spending time with family. Why, oh why do they have to go by so fast! I need those 3 days away from my precious firsties. :)

First Pay Check
I. cannot. wait. 
It will not be millions but I am very excited- none-the-less. Hoping for a little shopping spree when it comes. Bills, Bills, Bills will have to come first though. 
This real world thing-- man, it's tough! 

I appreciate my parents more and more every day for all that they have done for ME. They have helped me get started in this fun adventure of growing up and I am so, so appreciative.

Love you two! Thank you for loving me and helping me grow up in more than one way!

Miscellany Monday. :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

1.) I want to start a Project 365 photo album again. Pretty sure I've already started one but not sure where I put the files. Oh, well. Let's get on that. :)

2.) I'm ready to get my classroom completely organized and functional so I can be the best teacher that I can be. Are you sick of hearing me talk about school yet? 

3.) I'm ready for some good yard-sales, thrift shopping, and decorating my apartment a little more. :)

4.) My car is so dirty. It needs to be cleaned out pronto. 

5.) I got to drive through Oxford today and just for old time sakes, I drove through the square. I may have teared up remembering the good times I've had in that beautiful place. Can't wait to spend a weekend there soon! 

Many things going through my head. Hopefully this week, I'll get alot done! 

Happy Monday!

So glad I am finally a licensed teacher now! Woo hoo! Pay day, let's go! 

The "substitute" fail letter! Haha! Made my day! :)

I just love this link up! So much fun! :)

Yeah, I'm a First Year!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Here's to already missing a day of school. I have Bronchitis! No fun!

I noticed Thursday that I felt worse than I had all week and before the day was over I could barely talk and my breathing was getting worse. After another doctor's visit, a breathing treatment, and a chest x-ray, I was diagnosed with the B. No fun, I tell you!

I was miserable and knew that my mother would be home on Friday to take care of me, so off driving home I went. Best decision I've ever made? No! But... my family, and home was exactly what I needed to help me feel better.

I've been reading some teaching material, thinking about lesson plans for the following week and trying to mix a little fun into getting well. It's hard but doable.

So excited that we bought this book today. I love it already! Can't wait to see the movie with some friends from school! :)

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Hopefully my week will be less exciting!

I'm loving these things.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Here we go, favorite link-up. 

I am sick with strep-like, cold, and chest symptoms. No fun for this 1st year teacher!
Makes for a long day when I can't even raise my voice to tell my kiddos what to do. This give me 5 classroom management plan is amazing. I'm loving it! Works wonders when you are sick.

I'm loving my apartment more and more everyday. Since I am able to have night time to get things organized and in their place it makes for a cozier home. I am still buying things to help me make it beautiful but in time... :)

I'm loving that in 2 days, I will be in HOME! Can't wait to see my family and eat some restaurants that I love! Can you guess which one? It's going to be some much needed rest and relaxation.

My mama is having an out-patient surgery tomorrow just to make sure that everything looks okay from some complications. If you can, please send up prayers for her. I greatly appreciate it!

Hope everyone is having a great week so far. Man, it feels like this week is going so slow but my days go by so fast! :)

Hotty Toddy, Baby!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Running Down a Dream
Linking up with Lindsey and sharing about my Favorite FOOTBALL TEAM! :)

Way down South in Mississippi
There's a spot that ever calls
Where amongst the hills enfolded
Stand old Alma Mater's Halls
Where the trees lift high their branches
To the whispering Southern breeze
There Ole Miss is calling, calling

To our hearts fond memories

 I absolutely LOVE visiting the place that I like to call home. I have always been an Ole Miss, Hotty Totty yelling, Die-hard Ole Miss fan! Couldn't ask for a better feeling than the Grove, red and blue weekend, awesome jumbotron welcomes, and spending time with 62,000 of your best friends! 
Hoping for a great 2011 Football Season!

While searching for my Alma Mater found this video. Yeah, I almost made it in. The blue tassels, that was the School of Education! :)

Miscellany Monday.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Miscellany Monday
Hey friends!
Let's get to the Random thoughts that are flowing through my brain.

I am NOT loving being sick, sore throat, stuffy nose already. I mean really! I've only been with those kiddos for 3 days and I am already sick. You suck, immune system! But.. after a shot and medicine today I am praying for a better night and week! :)

i'm loving that Walgreens sends you a text when your prescriptions are ready. Im such a technology lover.

I love being a teacher so far! It's a crazy whirlwind of a ride but I think it is such a rewarding career. I love getting those sweet, precious notes, getting called the wrong name of that previous teacher that they had, and the confidence that I am gaining everyday. I know that I've chosen the right career!

I love when I have more money in my bank account that I thought I had. It's such a nice feeling. I'm ready for the first payday. yes! It will be a good day.

I'm thankful for parents who would do anything in the world for me and love me enough to let me make my own choices. Praying for a sweet friend who is having trouble and coming to a realization that she hasn't had that trust in her life. Would you lift her up?

Happy Monday! Hope it wasn't too bad!
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