Pinterest is amazing! We all know it. :)
I catch myself on there for hours at a time, coveting all the fun ideas, crafts, DIY and decorations. Goodness knows, it's a time consumer.
Source: via Lauren on Pinterest
my version-- An old drink crate, spray painted, and the polish put in slots. I still like the first idea better. Maybe, I'll find a spice rack soon. :)
Source: via Trish on Pinterest
Made this.. Looks exactly the same. No picture to show!
I'm on a roll. Stalking craigslist daily for these things to Re-do. Love this!
Pinterest, you are a great thing but you just might become an addiction.
Today was the day that I have always wondered what it would be like. My principal walked in and did a formal evaluation. I wasn't nervous, surprisingly but so glad that it's over for this semester. She gave me some things to improve but was very pleased overall. Thanking my LORD for his blessings!
Brutal Murder of my last name, but sweet none-the-less.
Our hallway art holders. Love this personalization. :)
"Mom- I'm tired of you always doing school work."