Hotty Toddy, Baby!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Running Down a Dream
Linking up with Lindsey and sharing about my Favorite FOOTBALL TEAM! :)

Way down South in Mississippi
There's a spot that ever calls
Where amongst the hills enfolded
Stand old Alma Mater's Halls
Where the trees lift high their branches
To the whispering Southern breeze
There Ole Miss is calling, calling

To our hearts fond memories

 I absolutely LOVE visiting the place that I like to call home. I have always been an Ole Miss, Hotty Totty yelling, Die-hard Ole Miss fan! Couldn't ask for a better feeling than the Grove, red and blue weekend, awesome jumbotron welcomes, and spending time with 62,000 of your best friends! 
Hoping for a great 2011 Football Season!

While searching for my Alma Mater found this video. Yeah, I almost made it in. The blue tassels, that was the School of Education! :)


  1. I enjoy reading your blog! But I couldn't leave this post without saying a few select words...


  2. Love this post! :)

    Every time I see something about this team now I think of The Blind Side! haha

    Thanks for linking up!


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