It's Wednesday! Praise him! Ready for the weekend already! :)
I'm working on some Pinterest ideas this week. I just love having time to do artsy things and investing on some decorations for my apartment! Isn't Pinterest fun? Can't wait to show you my inspiration/creations. :)
I'm feelings lots more prepared as a teacher. It has been a hard ride but I seriously LOVE what I do. I just hope that years down the road, i see my first grade babies and they are doctors/lawyers/ and people that I can be proud of. I also hope they remember the fun times that we have!
I took this precious video of my class singing our "Noun Jingle" today.
Just in case you were wondering:
This little noun
floating around
names a person, place, or thing
with a knick-nack, paddywack
These are English rules
Isn't language fun and cool?
My class loves anything put to a song! They are so expressive and cute! :)
I had dinner with Lane tonight. It does my heart good to eat, talk, and share life with such sweet friends. I'm glad to have people that understand what I am talking about and who I can vent with. Love teacher friends!
I'm hoping everyone has a lovely rest of the week! Here's to getting a lot done!
Aww I loved your video! I watched it like 3 times...haha :)