I'm loving these things.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Here we go, favorite link-up. 

I am sick with strep-like, cold, and chest symptoms. No fun for this 1st year teacher!
Makes for a long day when I can't even raise my voice to tell my kiddos what to do. This give me 5 classroom management plan is amazing. I'm loving it! Works wonders when you are sick.

I'm loving my apartment more and more everyday. Since I am able to have night time to get things organized and in their place it makes for a cozier home. I am still buying things to help me make it beautiful but in time... :)

I'm loving that in 2 days, I will be in HOME! Can't wait to see my family and eat some restaurants that I love! Can you guess which one? It's going to be some much needed rest and relaxation.

My mama is having an out-patient surgery tomorrow just to make sure that everything looks okay from some complications. If you can, please send up prayers for her. I greatly appreciate it!

Hope everyone is having a great week so far. Man, it feels like this week is going so slow but my days go by so fast! :)


  1. I'm sorry you're sick! I'll say a prayer for both your and your momma :)

  2. I bet MI Pueblo is on the list!

    I need to come see your new apartment sometime! I'm sure it looks so cute!

    Oh and thanks for the blog comments. ;-) I just got bored one night and played around on foto flexer!


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