1. One of life's most simple pleasures is a Route 44 Diet Coke from Sonic. Oh, goodness! My favorite treat!
2. Rude people when I am checking out at a store makes me want to punch someone.
3. I like romantic movies because, they give me hope of what to look forward to in the future.
4. supercalifragalistic is a funny word. {loved seeing Mary Poppins on Broadway in NYC!}
5. If I had to choose one beauty product to use for the rest of eternity it would be Foundation. My most favorite makeup product. andddd... finger nail polish. haha
6. I'm happy that it's the weekend, i'm going to have company, and long weekend next week.
Here's to a relaxing Friday night with Shopping, eating Chick-fil-a, watching movies, catching up on blogs, and attempting to de-clutter my apartment!
Happy Weekend!
Love romantic comedies...and love love that it gives us hope for our future soul mates!