Favorites as of now.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

DIY- Remodeling projects. Oh.My.Word. How cute! There is just something about making something my own that I just adore. :)

Michael Kors MICHAEL KORS Silicone Watch
Michael Kors Watch. I would take a knockoff too!

Wrap Bracelets. I own this one and I wear it everyday.

Keurig Special Edition B60 Gourmet Single Serve Coffee Maker

I.want.one. I just think these are the neatest things around. I could go on and on for days. I'll just make a personal list! :)

I have been shopping all day and these are a few things that my eyes have been glued to. I know that this is a very materialistic post, and I have a bad habit of being that way.

God has blessed me and I am forever grateful. I am also so thankful that people have lent helping hands to my state and communities that aren't too far from where I live. this is one of my favorite things to see people working to help others. How can I join!

Friday iPhone Dump.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Blogging has not been very doable this week and I hope to get back on schedule next week.

Senior Portfolio-check. It's done, signed, sealed and delivered. Praise him! Now for a good grade and my worries will be over and done with. I'm so ready to be d-o-n-e. i think.

iPhone dump is so freeing. I love being able to document what happens during my week! :)

This little gem necklace will be mine in a couple of days. I can't wait. 

2 of my Kinders at the Easter Egg hunt! They are pure sweetness. 

This is what we do during nap time for kids who won't sleep. If you are wondering why I always take pictures with this one kid, I was at the hospital the day he was born and I've gone to church with him since. I have the privilege of being his student teacher! 

blurry. But, met up with the old roomie. Had dinner on the square. Caught up on life. Graduation, grad school, the such... miss her.


As soon as I got to school today, already obsessed with the Royal Wedding, one of my kiddos was dressed the part. See the resemblance? Be.Still.My.Heart.

Friends coming into town for Double Decker! I'll have plenty of pictures, no worries. :)
Should be a beautiful weekend. 

Congrats to all my friends graduating from that rival school, Mississippi State tonight! :)
I'm so proud of ya'll! 

Also, if you would, a precious lady from my church just found out yesterday that the chemo  that she is taking is doing absolutely no good. She's quitting the medicine and praying for a miracle. Would you pray with us?

A different kind of love. WILW

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My heart is broken. Today, some of the worst storms that I have seen came through my state. Really? It's crazy to think that it could happen so close.

{one} I am loving that none of my children freaked out on me while we were in the halls for 3+ hours today. Thank you Lord for calming their little hearts/minds.

{two} I'm loving that my apartment didn't flood anymore than it did this morning. this too, could have been bad! 

{three} I'm loving that my friends, Jeremy and Madison were not at home when mother nature decided to demolish their house. I'm so hating that this happened to them so early in their precious life but God will get the glory, I just know it. 

her brother's facebook page

So sad. Newlyweds.Great people. God has a plan.. 
Praying for the people in Tuscaloosa. They need our prayers. Destruction everywhere. Sorry to be so down. Just where my heart is at. 

where I like to be.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

linking up with this lady for this fun link up. I sometimes think this baby of mine is taking over my life! :) I couldn't ask for a sweeter thing to hand it over to! 

Discussion this week is where your pet sleeps/stays/hangs out.

Harps just thinks she is queen bee, and to be honest, she IS.  She likes to be where ever I am and at night time she sleeps in the bed with me. Harps is not a cuddle dog but she does like to be in the bed when I am. It's sweet. 

Just a few pictures. She's hilarious when she sleeps. She also snores. Seriously. Be still my heart. 


everyday is a possibility.

Coco Chanel said it best:
"I don't understand how a woman can leave the house without fixing herself up a little - if only out of politeness.  And then, you never know, maybe that's the day she has a date with destiny.  And it's best to be as pretty as possible for destiny."

I just love this outlook on everyday lookin' good! :) I don't know about you, but most days I am running through my closet throwing clothes and trying to find something that looks decent enough to wear. I don't have the concept that it could be the day that I meet Mr. Right. 

But.. Guess what?     It. Could. Be.
Maybe I should post this little quote up in my bathroom so that every day I am reminded. Even though beauty isn't all about the way you look, outward appearances usually draw the personality out of someone. Think about it?

Make up is not my favorite accessory. I must say that I do put it on everyday unless a day at home, with work to be done is in the forecast.  It just isn't something that I enjoy experimenting with and mixing up. When I found what I like and what looks good, I stick with it. 

We had fun getting all dolled up for this day. Can't believe it's been over a year. Geez..

Just a thought. What's your suggestions, make up preferences, and tips?

Miscellany Monday!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

I got to sleep in this morning and goodness gracious, was it nice? Harper decided that it was nice to and she didn't wake my up to take her out until 7:15. Bliss.

Today was a very productive day. Applications-check, cleaning my room-check, wash sheets-check! I am so glad that we got Better Monday off! It was very helpful in my opinion. There is no greater feeling that crossing things off my to-do list.

Lunch with Mama
I got to enjoy a Mexican lunch with mother-dearest today. It'll be my last one until I graduate because it's the last day that I get off until the BIG day! :) I just love my mother so much. She makes me feel special and treats me well. LOVE YOU MAMA! 

Outside time.

Harper was so good for me today that I took her to her favorite spot and let her run and play for a while. She loved it! :)

I gave my precious, Sunday school class bubbles for Easter, instead of the usual candy that I load them up on. I got a message today from a mama saying thank you for them and that my boy was having so much fun! :) So sweet. 

View 2011-04-2...jpg in slide show

It's been a great Monday.
Hope the storms aren't affecting YOU! 

Catch up on challenge.

Day 17. 
Something that you are looking forward to.

By reading my blog, I feel that this is very evident. It is my biggest dream in life to become a wife and mother. It's really all that I have ever wanted to do. I have always dreamed of wearing white, walking down the isle of my small, Baptist, country church, and doing life with the man that I love. Wow. It will be so much fun!

I love planning. colors, details, decorations, songs, monograms, food, places, etc..

love this song. pretty sure it will be played on the big day. (sorry about it going off the page. Can't figure that out)

Found this recently and thought it was beautiful also! I'm such a stickler for Modern stuff as well. :)

I love these shoes. I just love the idea of something blue to be on my feet. :) I also want the wedding party to sign the bottom of my shoes. Oh, how cute does that sound! 

I saw this in a local newspaper and I adore this picture with the bride and her mama and daddy. Oh, I will have this done. Along with another 5,000 picture ideas! :)
Oh, what a glorious day this will be. 
Seriously, this post could never end. I'll stop with these few details. I'm a planner and I have lots more where these came from! :)

Come and rise up from the grave.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

We are one with him again.

I'm so thankful that my Savior died on the cross for my sins and gave me eternal life. Wow! Shouldn't we celebrate every day? I know that I fall so far behind in showing praises to him. It should be a daily thanksgiving. 

Today, my favorite worship song has been Christ is Risen by Matt Maher.

Christ is risen from the dead
Trampling over death by death
Come awake, come awake
Come and rise up from the grave

I got to share the wonderful story of how Jesus rose from the tomb to my precious Sunday school class and we made a little craft to remember the day by. Man, how I hope to be an influence in their little lives. I remember most of MY Sunday school teachers and I hope to share their part of my life with them. Nothing makes me happier to see them light up and say that they love me! :)

Church service was great today with a cantata that was portrayed with Biblical truth, a sweet friend who has had a few rough months giving her life to the Lord, for real this time, and having lunch with my family that God chose for me. :)

I am so thankful for what Jesus did today. He's ALIVE, He's Alive!!

This weekend was spent enjoying time with friends and family.

This precious baby has a horrible mama but she will get something special before the week is over! :) 

Fill in the blank.

Friday, April 22, 2011

1. Fridays are the perfect day to end the week with. My favorite day because I can dream about weekend plans and it is the day that is a relief from the other days!

2.   Sweet tea, mushy, sweet love stories, precious babies, flying, Ole Miss sports, blogging make me terribly happy.

3. Something that inspires me is    this blog. Just got through reading and I started tearing up. Oh, how it is a dream of mine to go and love on these precious kids in Africa. God will work it out in his time!

4. If I had the day off today I would    sleep late, shop, do job applications, which I am SICK of, and eat my favorite foods.
5. If I had to put a label on my home decor style, I would say my style is   "ecletic. I love old, vintage, distessed things and I love name brand designer things. I think personally, for me, that if I like it who cares what anyone else thinks.  My home decor right now is very out there because I mix and match a lot of things. Hey.. Isn't that what college is for?

6. Concerning politics I would say I'm a republican. I don't believe in same sex marriage, abortion, or anything of that nature. I vote for the person, not the party. You have to convince me that I should vote for you and stick with what you preach. Or, I'm done!
7. I'd like to go to       Africa      so I could      show God's love to those precious, saddened, orphans who need to know that there are good people in the world and that there is a God who loves them more than anything. One day.

The Shine Project.

This is what The Shine Project is all about:

Going out of your comfort zone
to bring light to those who need hope.
The Shine Project emulates love, sacrifice, and

I've decided to join this little project when I can. Read about it here. Fascinating. 

Week 1(for me): Earth Day Project.

My kinders got to plant Sunflower seeds and plant them. I feel that this was a great way for them to see how nature works and how things grow! 

They were really fascinated by the process of planting, watering, and seeing how things change for the plants. 

These little guys/gals are learning early on what it means for nature to be important in our lives. I believe that their curiosity is growing and that will benefit them in their growing up years! 

I just love that "Earth Day" is Friday and I have learned through these kids that we need to get "excited" about the things of nature and how things grow and bloom. 

a piece of me.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

{one} I'm loving that we get a 4 day weekend. So thankful that our schools recognize the Easter holiday and that we get to be off the 2 days. Easter is one of my favorite holidays because we get to celebrate our Savior who died for us and rose again that we could live for him. I'm so glad he's not in a tomb but in heaven watching over us and helping those whole love and believe in him.

All the cute decorations make me smile too. So bright and cheerful.

{two} I'm loving the "last" precious moments with my Kinders. They constantly amaze me with what comes out of their mouths. Today they taught me some little somethings about love. They said that if you say that a girl is pretty and nice that makes her your girlfriend. Oh, How I wish it was that easy. :)(if you have any suggestions for that area of my life, send me messages, yo!)

{Three} I'm loving the craft making/jewelry making/DIY era that I am in right now. It's so much fun and stress relieving. My parents think I am crazy everytime that I get a new idea in my head. It's fun and I'll keep you updated.

Now for a funny, hurtful, story that happened to me today.
I was walking to my car after school today and I was trying to hurry in order to beat the rain. There was a small, RIVER flowing from the parking lot and my cute, zebra print sandals were slipping and scaring me just a bit. 

I was trying really hard not to bust it in front of anyone, and hoping  to hurry to my car before the bottom fell out. I get to my car and slippppp.... My foot goes out from under me and I jam my right big toe into the pavement. I swore it was broke for 10 minutes. 
Cue.. Broken shoe. deadgumit. Not a great ending to a good day! :)

There is still love in my heart. 

Happy Wednesday.

Tired Tuesday, right?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Top 2 Things You Collect

McCarty Pottery.

Just a few pieces in my mama and my own collection. It started out getting a few pieces at a time and now we go to the yearly sale that they have. It's so intense! I just love this pottery that is usable and is so pretty. I mix the colors because I never know what colors I will have in my own house one day.


I guess I would have to say anything old and distressed. Seriously, my heart skips a beat when I see a distressed piece of furniture that looks like it has just been redone. I just love that. My room in Ox is very eclectic because I love making my own fashion and deciding what I like in my apartment. Not everything is matchy-matchy and I love it that way. :)

I love/need to start collecting plates for this plate wall. I love this. Found this in a store in Nawlins. So precious!
I went to revival tonight with my mama and it was a great night. Thank you Lord for reminding me that your will is exactly where I can find peace. You have a plan, I just need to be patient. 

Twitter has become my new obsession and these quotes have been speaking to me recently. Hope you enjoy and that they impact you in a small way too.

"Most people have dreams. Few are willing to pursue them. Leap and the New will appear."

Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow."

"Look for a situation in which your work will give you as much happiness as your spare time." Edward L. Bernays

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