not my favorite.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Job interviews/Job fair. Not my favorite Friday activities. It was a great experience but I am scared out of my mind.  Jobs are not existent, I am starting to believe and this isn't acceptable.  I have been in college for 4 years and worked my tail off and now I feel like it's scary.   Just listen to me vent, ha!

On a happier note, I want a pedicure/manicure. ha!  I am going to spend the night with friends, eat supper, watch movies, have girl time. The best stress relief.  A little late night Baskin Robbins run, and some great laughter.  :)

Our early college years. Oh, how we've changed!

I am stressing out about life right now and I am very thankful that the Lord knows whats best.  I'm clinging to the truth that God has perfect plans and knows exactly how he is going to bless.

Saw this on Beth Moore's twitter. I agree!

It occurs to me that I sometimes pray like God is all out of ideas.  Like, if I'm stumped.  He is,too.  He knows both what & how. Move over.

Happy Weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I'm in much the same place as you are right now. It IS scary and it's so hard to "let go" of what I think is best.


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