Wishful Wednesday.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Link up with Jamie.
I just love Wednesdays. :)

{one} I just love blogging. Seriously! I come home and that's usually what I do for a good hour or so. Some may call it a waste of time, but I find comfort in seeing people my age, same struggles, Christian values, and advice that I get from them! Also, crafts, songs, all sorts of encouragement and inspiration.

{two} I'm thankful that Mrs. Michelle from this sweet girls blog is receiving great care for her blood clot in the hospital and that God is helping her get better. Also, that this lady got great news that God spared her baby during their hard time! Also, my great-friend, Merle's mom fell and shattered her elbow and her mom is doing great after an awful, painful surgery! Man, God sure shows us how much he loves us when hard times come. God is SOOO good!

{Three}  I had strep at the beginning of the week and I am so thankful that I am renewed and feeling so much better. Thank you for those 2 days of rest, and no school but now I'm back. I think my kinders were glad! :)

 Found this and completely feel it. God has shown me what my gift is. It's encouragement. :)

Just for the fun of it..

{one} what is one food that, as an adult you love, but as a child you said you’d never touch?
Mustard Greens.  For the most part, I love them! 

{two} did you go to college? if yes, what was your major?
Yes, I am graduating in May with an Elementary Education/Special Education degree. Woo hoo!

{three} what’s the most wild animal you’ve seen in real life (not counting the zoo)?
Buffalo, Montana. Up close and personal.

{four} have you ever been to a fortune teller?
yes, with my friend Michelle. Dumb, college roadtrip. We had too! :)

{five} can you juggle?
Um, no.

{six} hardwood floors or carpet?
Hardwood- Even though it is more work. So much prettier.

{seven} is it called “soda” or “pop”?
Hun, I'm from the South! It's Coke...

{eight} what was your first car?
A 1998 Mazda 626. 

{nine} what is the most decadent dessert you’ve ever eaten?
Gosh, um. Alaska, up on top of the mountain. What was it called? So good!

{ten} how often do you rearrange your furniture?
Never. I live in an apartment. I never have time either. Oops!


  1. Oh your answer to number 7 is just like my answer:) Gotta love the south and a good southern God-fearing woman!

  2. Thanks for playing along!

    Strep throat is the worst! Glad you're feeling better :)

  3. I love the "Bloom where you are planted quote" !
    That's awesome. Do you live near there then? Are many jobs available for teachers where you are? It's so frustrating here!!


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