Fill in the blank.

Friday, April 22, 2011

1. Fridays are the perfect day to end the week with. My favorite day because I can dream about weekend plans and it is the day that is a relief from the other days!

2.   Sweet tea, mushy, sweet love stories, precious babies, flying, Ole Miss sports, blogging make me terribly happy.

3. Something that inspires me is    this blog. Just got through reading and I started tearing up. Oh, how it is a dream of mine to go and love on these precious kids in Africa. God will work it out in his time!

4. If I had the day off today I would    sleep late, shop, do job applications, which I am SICK of, and eat my favorite foods.
5. If I had to put a label on my home decor style, I would say my style is   "ecletic. I love old, vintage, distessed things and I love name brand designer things. I think personally, for me, that if I like it who cares what anyone else thinks.  My home decor right now is very out there because I mix and match a lot of things. Hey.. Isn't that what college is for?

6. Concerning politics I would say I'm a republican. I don't believe in same sex marriage, abortion, or anything of that nature. I vote for the person, not the party. You have to convince me that I should vote for you and stick with what you preach. Or, I'm done!
7. I'd like to go to       Africa      so I could      show God's love to those precious, saddened, orphans who need to know that there are good people in the world and that there is a God who loves them more than anything. One day.

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