One Month Till.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

May 14, 2011
One of the days that I have looked forward to for my entire life. 

College Graduation 

Absolutely can not believe that it is almost time. One month till. I don't feel prepared but I know that I am ready. God is going to get my through it and plant my feet life exactly where he wants me to be. ICC and Ole Miss were the best two decisions that I have ever made for myself. I knew that I wanted to live on campus and be involved during my college years and I did just that. So thankful that HE put that desire in my heart. 

We'll see how I live up these next 4 weeks. Be prepared for the documentation. 
I could tear up now just thinking about it. 

iPhone dump. 
Stole this idea from Lindseelou

Classroom visitor. So sweet. 
Devotion from last night's reading.
latest classroom purchase. Art easel and clipboard. :)
Just one of my favorites. Our LES students are so talented.
Seriously. Will be in my classroom one day!
Very true.
Harper needs a hair cut. Ponytails, not perfect for dogs! :)
I love catching up with friends. Love you, Whitney Dukes.
Quotes. I just love them! :)

This may become a weekly thing. It's like therapy and insight with pictures!

It's Thursday! Friday is my favorite! 


  1. Ahhhhh, graduation!! How exciting! I love that art's so bright and colorful!

  2. I have a month-ish until I'm a senior and I can't even believe that! Congratulations!

    PS:I love your DIY projects a couple posts down :) I make my dad help me all the time when I'm home haha.


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