Friday iPhone Dump.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Blogging has not been very doable this week and I hope to get back on schedule next week.

Senior Portfolio-check. It's done, signed, sealed and delivered. Praise him! Now for a good grade and my worries will be over and done with. I'm so ready to be d-o-n-e. i think.

iPhone dump is so freeing. I love being able to document what happens during my week! :)

This little gem necklace will be mine in a couple of days. I can't wait. 

2 of my Kinders at the Easter Egg hunt! They are pure sweetness. 

This is what we do during nap time for kids who won't sleep. If you are wondering why I always take pictures with this one kid, I was at the hospital the day he was born and I've gone to church with him since. I have the privilege of being his student teacher! 

blurry. But, met up with the old roomie. Had dinner on the square. Caught up on life. Graduation, grad school, the such... miss her.


As soon as I got to school today, already obsessed with the Royal Wedding, one of my kiddos was dressed the part. See the resemblance? Be.Still.My.Heart.

Friends coming into town for Double Decker! I'll have plenty of pictures, no worries. :)
Should be a beautiful weekend. 

Congrats to all my friends graduating from that rival school, Mississippi State tonight! :)
I'm so proud of ya'll! 

Also, if you would, a precious lady from my church just found out yesterday that the chemo  that she is taking is doing absolutely no good. She's quitting the medicine and praying for a miracle. Would you pray with us?


  1. haha that boy that dressed up? Awesome. Seriously.

    I'll say a prayer right now! Have a lovely weekend!

  2. Isn't it freeing to get all of this out there? I love it. Love your post! And how cute is that little guy? Love it!


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