My heart is broken. Today, some of the worst storms that I have seen came through my state. Really? It's crazy to think that it could happen so close.
{one} I am loving that none of my children freaked out on me while we were in the halls for 3+ hours today. Thank you Lord for calming their little hearts/minds.
{two} I'm loving that my apartment didn't flood anymore than it did this morning. this too, could have been bad!
{three} I'm loving that my friends, Jeremy and Madison were not at home when mother nature decided to demolish their house. I'm so hating that this happened to them so early in their precious life but God will get the glory, I just know it.
her brother's facebook page
So sad. Newlyweds.Great people. God has a plan..
Praying for the people in Tuscaloosa. They need our prayers. Destruction everywhere. Sorry to be so down. Just where my heart is at.
that is definately a tragedy. But God does have a plan, even if we can't see what it is! Definately praying for everyone there.