I own a HOUSE!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Y'all.. it happened!  I bought a house! When I found out that I had gotten the Kindergarten teaching job at Lafayette, I started looking for somewhere to live. Now, in Oxford this is no small feat. 

I searched high and low for an affordable house that I would love for years to come. Every time I came to town I would drive around and see if there was anything out there for me. After all the months of looking, I had a couple of leads and made even made an offer on a house that I thought I LOVED. It all happened so quickly and then it fell apart. (Let's just say the house wasn't for me and would have been a disaster if it should have happened.)

I'm so thankful that my Sweet Savior always has his hands on my every decision. After the house incident, my mother heard about another house that was about to be put on the market and told me that I should look into it.  I went and looked at the house and loved it! I'm so thankful that I found it when I did.


I never realized what a process buying a house truly is. Through the making offers, negotiating and closing, it has been crazy but fun! I'm happy to say that on this past Thursday, this beaut became MINE!

I'm grateful to my Mother and Daddy who had to do most of the "non-fun" work throughout the process. Being a teacher and closing on a house is not easy and they had to make a lot of the decisions because I wasn't available during the day. I will never be able to re-pay them for all of their help!

Soon and very soon, I will have an update on the decorating and finishing touches of the house. We are moving Tuesday and I know I'll go full-force to get a lot of the decorating done! I am SO excited about having a place in my favorite town to call home!

 Now I'm on the hunt for a dining room table and other accessories for my new abode. If you have any suggestions or see anything that I can't live without, hit me up on Social Media!

Oh hey Friday!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Happy Friday, friends! I can't believe that its my last day of "freedom".  Bright and early Monday morning I will be returning to the classroom. I am EXTREMELY blessed to be able to be back closer to home and I'm excited about what is to come. 

1.) I'm so thankful for friends who all come together when good/bad things happen to each other. This week has been full of sorrow and joy. One of my great friends, Claire died suddenly on Monday. I have had three friends have sweet babies these past two weeks and that my friends, is a sweet blessing. God knows exactly what he is doing when he puts all of these happenings in our lives. He also knows best when he places people that lift us up in both of those times!  I'm blessed with friends!

2.) Social media is a great, great thing.  I know that many people are not fans of social media and think that it is the devil. While I do know that I spend way too much time on it, I am thankful for it. I have been able to talk to and keep up with many friends that are far away and no accessible anymore and that is a sweet deal. Instagram and Facebook are my favorites to help me see how people are doing and what is special in their lives at certain times.

3.) Ole Miss Football is coming up.- I can't wait. This is one of my most favorite times of the year. Get ready to hear a lot of Hotty Toddy's! 

4.) Prayers and Bible Study- This summer has been slack for me on this issue and I've got to get back on track. I'm going to plan a time and place for my Bible study each day and STICK TO IT. This is so important and I'm so blessed so this time should be a priority for me to accomplish. Have any tips on making this work?

5.) I'm officially a Commodore.- This is exciting stuff. It's official.. Here we go! 

Hope you enjoy your Friday and the weekend! I know I'm going to live it up! 

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