Made me think...

Monday, November 30, 2009

Both of them were upright in the sight of God, observing all the Lord's commandments and regulations blamelessly.
This is what Bro. Tommy preached on last night. It made me think about how I need to be living my life and what my priorities are.
I believe that if I get those in the right order then My God will send me that dream guy i've been looking for, for all of these years.
Great weekend. Except for a game that I don't even want to mention.
BOWL GAME--here we come. Hotty Toddy!
School is bogging me down.

Thanksgiving Recap

Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving(yesterday):
Things we did and things I am thankful for.
*Time spent with my 2 precious cousins Tyler and Justin
*Making a leaf pile and running and jumping in them.
*Great food. My "mom's" chicken and dressing
*hugs and kisses from family
* Cold weather
*cracker barrel supper
*safety in traveling
*sleeping in this morning
*my Harper
*My lovely FAMILY
*Christmas decorations, songs, food, weather.. pretty much everything associated with Christmas
*My Savior making a way for all of the blessings in my life.
*My church family
*Caitlyn, Shell, Whitney, Aims, Claire,Bruce,Alayna, Alicia, all of those friends who make me smile a little bigger. :)
*My Altima.
*Music, Itunes
*Being able to come home whenever I want or need to.
*Those years with my grandmother Patton and Grandaddy Heard. Even though I don't remember much about them.
*My Uncle Waymond. He got to spend this Thanksgiving with Jesus.
*My summer mission trip to Montana.
*Chicken and Hamburgers
*My mama and daddy's trust in me.
Thank you God for everything that you have blessed this sinful, undeserving child of yours with. You are the thing that I should be the most thankful for.
Have a great weekend.

Thank you Lord for this crazy,chaotic life that I live..

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thank you Lord for it almost being Thanksgiving break. I had to be up at 5:45 this morning to go to Quitman county for observation. Listen people, it was heart breaking. Those people need prayer, and support from all of us. They are doing a great job of educating those students but they need help. It broke my heart to see what they are surviving with and made me realize how blessed I was to go to a school like North Pontotoc.
I absolutely can not wait to become a teacher and get to love on my kids and decorate my room and TEACH. But, today made me realize that it is so much more involved than that. I need to start being creative and coming up with ideas that don't cost a lot of money. I am so excited to see things like this and they really have an impact on me.
We got our Christmas cards done today. I love them! You'll have to wait and see what they look like. :)
Last night I found out that all of the churches that I worked with this past summer took up a love offering for us. Goodness, it was the nicest thing and it made my night so much better. I was very surprised and it made me miss Montana even more. Thank you to all of those wonderful people in Montana. See you soon, hopefully! :)
So, last night @ BSU this song was sang and it made me want to go to Africa sooo much more.
If you happen to know of any short-term trips I would love to go!

Life ain't always beautiful, but it's a beautiful ride!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Life here lately, well.. it's good! School is actually going well, most of my BIG time projects are over and turned in so, that's a relief.
My puppy Harper is doing pretty good on potty training so that's always nice. She still takes up most of my time and I love her so so much. Fall is enjoyable this year. Still some 70 degree weather out there. LOVE IT!
I love that Thanksgiving Break is in 2 weeks and I get to hang out with my little cousins. I did go to Jackson this past weekend and got to hang out with the "heards" for a while. We had a blast. Shell and I had fun @ Mistletoe Market and we learned that we could make it to Jackson in 2 hours. :)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yes, I do forget alot and I'm sorry for that. I don't ever feel the need to tell everyone, everything about my life. I guess that's part of our different personalities. I respect that you can remember so much about people and do nice gestures for people. That's what makes you a good person. I am sorry that "that person" has been my friend for 20 years but that doesn't mean that I can't be friends with you too. You have been in my life longer than some of my friends and I hope that you don't let that detail ruin a friendship. Please just quit being mad about everything that I do and even things that I don't do that are not even big deals. I'm sorry if I have made you mad, that's not been in my wishes. We fight a lot but can usually get over it. This is just a hurdle that we are going to have to jump over. I love you and you have always been a great, special, best friend to me. I hope that we can work something out. :)

Can you say STRESSED OUT!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

So.. today I had 2 big tests. Gross! I hate them.
Yesterday I had a longgg day but it was great. I was observing in my kindergarten room for 5 hours. It was a good, stressful, and fun day. I was able to help with learning centers, decorating their hall for Thanksgiving, and observing how the day of a Kindergarten teacher goes. I was put to work and I realized how hard the teachers have to work. They are pressured, expected to put up with tons of jobs, but loved on by their students.
Can you tell that I am just a little bit excited to become a TEACHER!
It's a little scary though, that in 1 year I will be in control of 20 something students who are counting on me to teach them! ah!!
School is going good, but goodness I need a break!
Harper is growing and is B-A-D! I loves her SOOOO Much though!
Hope your week is going great!
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