Season of Busyness

Saturday, June 24, 2017


Growing up, I remember my Mother always saying that we kept the roads hot and I didn't understand exactly what she meant. Oh, but now I do!

I am DEFINTELY in a "season of busyness"!

This summer, I joined a Bible story that is studying the book, Captivating. I find myself underlining almost every sentence because the words are all so relatable. We have been meeting once a week to talk about what the book means to us and how we can relate. I have realized that even when I don't mean to, I hide behind "busyness".

I feel that for the most part, I am an open book in my everyday living but sometimes I have those moments where I want people to think that I have it all together and everything is perfect. 

Well, of course, it's not always that way. I LOVE being busy. I love hanging out with friends, having events to go to and socialize, and being a part of the community/circles that I am involved with. Sometimes I catch myself not taking time to do the things that make me feel in control, (ex.) laundry, enough sleep, etc. 

While all the things that I am doing are not "bad" and should be done, I often feel exhausted because I haven't taken time to do important things for myself. Being busy is "fun" but it can also wear a person out and ultimately becomes an idol. I never want to be so busy that I can't find time for the things of God but man.. how many times have I let that happen?

I've decided that saying "yes" to things is a huge issue that I have. I want to be everywhere ALL the time and FOMO (fear of missing out) is something I struggle with as well. There are times that I should stay home, rest, go to bed early, read my Bible a few extra times or just take time to reflect but I am always on the go. 

I'm going to make a conscious effort to do better on this and I'm thankful that this study was helpful in showing me an idol in my life. I'm praying that God will fill me with the courage to say "no" when needed and to rely on him to make my paths straight. 

I saw this quote and these days, this is something I need to strive to be! 

Are you a yes girl? Do you like to stay busy? Let's find a happy medium together!

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