To the older Lauren

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Dear Lauren,

       How does it feel to be an even older adult? Isn't life amazing? God has blessed you with such a precious family who adores you and who you love more than anything!  I hope that you remember the times they prayed you through a hard test in high school, loved on you during prom, high school graduation, and even supported you in all of your band concerts, student council, and diamond girls activities that you participated in. God knew you needed a family who would be involved and care about every detail! Isn't HE good?

You don't choose your family.  They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.  
~Desmond Tutu
Oh, the college years! People always told you that these were the best years of your life. You should have believed them because they were!  At ICC... Late nights, Mocha Joes from BK, Mexican food, "study" sessions that turned into Bible studies, LIVNG @ the BSU with some of your favorite people, the dock, dropping keys into the 'bigbee and finding them the next day. You met some of the BEST friends you will ever have. Granted, some of those friends you haven't seen in a while BUT, you have memories of their sweet presence in that season of your life.  For such a time as this....

Then, Hotty Toddy, Ole Miss happened. You couldn't wait to move out into an apartment and share the Oxford experience with wonderful people. You had roomates, got a dog, your precious Harper, and enjoy life as an Ole Miss student. Your parents told you to be careful, your BIG brother had people watching out for you, and you enjoyed yourself at the big girl college. Your grades rocked, actually came up from junior college, you started thinking about REALLY becoming a teacher, and you had a blast on Saturdays at the Grove, and Vault Hemingway.  :)

You learned lots of life lessons that you had never really had to experience. Money, living with people, paying bills, and staying the same person that you knew you were. God kept you strong and you met people that would impact your life for the better. You spent the Summer before Ole Miss in Montana telling sweet children about Jesus, sharing the Gospel to people who had never heard about what a Bible was, and meeting friends that you still keep in contact with. It was a bitter sweet time in your life and you had a blast BUT don't forget how much you missed your family. It was all worth it though. God blessed! 

How about the precious graduation day from Ole Miss? Sitting in your own piece of heaven, the Grove, on a cloudy May day with 1,000s of people watching you receive your diploma that you had worked so hard for? Sitting by 5 of your closest friends, goofing off and trying not become emotional over what you had been through together. Roomate spats, breaking down over Senior Education block, and all the memories of late night binge sessions and snow days that were tons of fun. You could never remember all the WONDERFUl memories you made with those awesome girls, and boys

Now, August 4, 2011. You became a 1st grade teacher @ Horn Lake Elementary school. You had 27 kids and an assistant. You weren't nervous, remember? You were so excited about what was in store and how you would impact, love, and inspire these children. Keep doing that, Ms. Patton. You can and will! Don't loose your cool, don't yell as much, and keep loving on these kids. Believe me, they need it. You're going to impact kids for the better. Just teach them something, that's all they ask! :) Do what you've always wanted to do!

Alright, Lauren. You've accomplished all of this because of your LORD who loves you more than anything. Hopefully you are married and have all of those precious babies running around that you've always dreamed of. Read back over all of these memories and seasons of your life that you have been through and now that God loves every detail. He lives for the good times and the bad times. He's there through it all. Just believe...

Your past was wonderful and I know that now you look back and have so much more to add to this list.


Your 22 year old self.

I just LOVE Wednesday!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Today I had that one of those "I'm so glad I became a teacher" moments! One of my firsties read 13 words when before today, reading was non-existent to him. Oh, how my heart smiled. He was so excited too! We'll see where it goes from here.

I got a FLU shot yesterday. YUCK! I hate those jokers. Now, look what it got me. 

Doesn't feel too great but hopefully no flu for me!


Our Very Hungry Caterpillar door for Drug Free Week!
Our kiddos had fun coloring the plates. We didn't win but it's the trying that counts, right?

I visited a new church Sunday and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Going to Wednesday night church tonight and praying that it's exactly where God would have me be. I'm ready to find where I belong here in Southaven!

Just to see you smile!

The First Day of the Week.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Happy Sunday, everyone!

It's been one of those weekends where I am utterly exhausted but so thankful that I am.
It's been fun!

Friday- We had a field trip to the Memphis Botanical Gardens. My firsties had fun and it was overall a good day. I wasn't able to take pictures because you know-- I was trying to make sure I didn't loose a kid! :)
(Haley-- Mission Accomplished, thanks for the prayers! )  

Then.. Friday night.. oh, Friday night. I was treated to this lovely place

by my brother and enjoyed one of the best meals of my life. Seriously, GO!!

Thanks, Adam! It's now one of my favorite places. 

Saturday- woke up and got ready for an all day shopping trip! Linda Ray and I went all over Memphis, seriously, and had such a good day. Ate some great food, have coffee, and spent money that we probably didn't need to! 

I got a cute dress, some seven jeans @ Tjmaxx,  and talked about LIFE. I just love fun days with family. Exactly what I needed. 
I, of course, missed going home but I love weekends in Southaven.

then, today-- Visited Longview Heights Baptist Church and LOVED it! Hopefully I have found the place that God wants me to be a part of and serve. We'll see.. 

Just some pictures from the weekend.

love this owl necklace. Goes with everything! :)

my old door living room decoration! 

Just a preview of what I want! haha!

Shopping Outfit. The boots are BACK! 

Christmas is already being prepared! 

Hoping for a great week! :)

Fill In the Blank Friday!

Friday, October 21, 2011

1.   Nothing says fall like    pumpkin spice and baked apple candles, fall decorations, and hayrides, bon-fires, and rolling yards!

2.   My favorite autumnal tradition is   church Fall festival. Hayrides, games with the children, and rolling yards afterwards. (usually). It's fun to all get together, bundle up, and share time that turn into memories.

3.  My favorite fall treat is   Apple Cider. It's so good and soothing.

4. Fall makes me think of    what's to come    because  first off, we have Thanksgiving, then a few weeks and Christmas. My absolute favorite time of year! So much family, love, and memory making. :)

5.  Autumn free form word association, go!    candles, pumpkins, hayrides, rolling yards, fall weather, LOVE!

6.  My go-to outfit in the fall is    jeans, cardigan,scarves, and cowboy boots. :) My favorite thing to wear in the Fall. 

7.  My favorite fall holiday is (Halloween or Thanksgiving)    Thanksgiving! Halloween is fun but Thanksgiving means so much more. Time to be with Family, Friends, and being thankful and greatful for what we have been given. God is great and that just gives us a holiday to celebrate this truth. 

I'm Field tripping as we speak. :)
(not really because I wrote this last night)

Happy Fall Friday!


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I'm loving this fall weather that we are having! I've got the warm blankets over my feet, heat on, and pumpkin candles a blazin. I'm in heaven! Except for taking Harper out.. that's no fun... It's COLD! 

I'm practically done teaching for the week! We have all of our lovely, first grade test tomorrow and then Friday= FIELD TRIP! To say I am excited is an understatement. I'll have my hands full but gracious, I can't wait! All my firsties getting to get out of the classroom and enjoy themselves at the Memphis Botanical Gardens. So excited! Pray that yo' girl doesn't loose any children. that would be terrible. 

Couponing- I'm really trying to save some money on the little things that I buy. It's very time consuming but I'm trying to figure out how to do it so that it can help me save the green. If you have any tips or would like to donate your coupons to me, send me an email. :) Thank you in advance!

My new decor that will be added to my house this weekend. Thanks, mama and daddy!

going to do something cute like that with mine. :)

pure bliss in Pontotoc made my front door decoration! :)

I'm excited about my bro and his "friend" coming to see me this weekend. It'll be a fun reunion. My brother has lots going on in his life right now and I couldn't be prouder for him and OF him.  I'll share the details when I can. :)


Painting my nails is one of my things that makes me feel human. Weird? oh, well! It makes me happy to know that my nails are pretty and painted. I love buying nail polish and I have way too many bottles but guess what? My collection isn't complete! 

One of my favorite blogs, here, features a girly, Pink LouLou, who always has her nails painted perfectly. I NEED to know her secret. Show me some love, Lou Lou. What's your secret!?

Happy Wednesday!

Monday Madness :)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Hello, friends!

It's Monday.. How has it been for you? My kiddos were pretty good today so my day went fairly well. I'm really having a better outlook on teaching and I pray that day by day I will grow to LOVE every second of what I am doing. :)

This weekend was oh, so much fun. I got to see friends whom I've not seen in many forevers, and that was nice. Went to a haunted "castle" and got to  run and act a fool with the monsters, crazy people, and the friends! 

Saturday was game day and oh, it wasn't pretty. I went to the GROVE and then left before the game because a sinus infection didn't want to sit out in the air for the game. Praise the Lord! :)

Grovin' was fun as usual. We never lose a party, remember? 

Oh, Em! I miss thee!

Whitney! Can't believe your engaged. We had some great times @ Ole Miss!

Just the walk of champions! So much fun!! Go Rebs!

Just because my heart smiles...

Sunday, was Family time.
Went to church, kept the baby nursery, and then had 2 wedding showers for cousins. 

Can't wait for their weddings. So happy for them!

We went simple but it was so cute. 

Hoping for a wonderful week! 

Thursday Brain Jumble.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Just going to share what is on my heart tonight.
Nothing serious, nothing life-changing, just life.

I really, really want to learn how to do this money saving thing. I have, for years, been clipping coupons but just using them randomly for things that I thought I had to have. I've now learned that you have to save them for when things go on sale and that's when these "extreme coupon" methods come into place. 

I would love to know how to do it more! :)

Life is sweet. I am enjoying this time to be myself, enjoy my career that I've chosen, and do my Own thing. It's nice and bittersweet at the same time.  Lots of friends are getting married, having babies, starting jobs, and it's just a sweet season of life. 

I'm so thankful for I feel that I am right where God would have me in this little life of mine. Thank you, Lord! I'll praise you even when the storms get rough.

The iPhone software
Isn't it wonderful? It's like having a brand new phone. Thanks, Caitlyn for telling me to 
" Go Home and update." :) Seriously, she's a pro. 

School, Wants, Ideas

My children made these pumpkin patterns, and pumpkins to decorate the hallway. So sweet! I love their creative artwork. They just love it! :)

Must have!
This is a Pinterest idea. Bought one of these at a thrift store the other day. Can't wait to see how it turns out! :)

Notice the turquoise bandwagon..
I want, need, have to have this watch!
It's sooo cute!
Oh, I drool...

but I also must remember...

This is such a relief. Whew! Now I feel better.

God has blessed me so much! Hopefully, I'm a blessing to someone in this world of mine.

To God Be The Glory! 

Happy Thursday... It's Almost FRIDAY! :)

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

It's Wednesday! Praise him!
First day Back @ School and I'm soo very thankful. 

Let's get to the thankin....

I'm thankful for my grandmother MOM feeling better and hopefully figuring out soon what is causing all of her health problems. Her 86 year old body needs to be healed and we are waiting on it. Please send up some prayers on her behalf. It's scary not knowing...

Here she is with my little Tyler! :) Aren't they both adorable?

I'm thankful for a job that I am learning to LOVE and that I am capable of doing. I'm thankful for the precious kids I am able to impact, the paycheck that supports my lifestyle, and the chance I get to teach these Firsties something that they didn't already know. :)

I've been really struggling with "loving" teaching, but I have understood that when I get in the routine that the love for the job will take it's place. Teaching is what I was born to do and I know that deep down. Just like loving God and serving him. Little pieces fall into place.

Anyone else feel this way? Or is it just me....

I'm loving my little fall decor that I used to embellish this little house of mine! Fall is my favorite time of the year. It's so much fun to smell those awesome candles that Mama buys for me and to see the pumpkins and then all the RED/Green that comes after! Ah! Love this time of year! 

I'm loving Pinterest! It's so much fun! Here are some of my most recent, favorite pins!

Aren't these adorable? I might just have to make one for my front door.
Source: via Lauren on Pinterest

Save your Milk cartons.. I need to make this for my classroom!

I swoon. Must find an old screen! :)

yes, SIR! I hear you! 

I could go on for days.

So thankful for an exciting weekend coming up! Can't wait to share details!

Another Monday.. But NO SCHOOL! :)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Praise the Lord for Fall Break!

Even though a virus has decided to pull through I am not sitting at home feeling sorry for myself. I WILL have fun!
Let's do two of my favorite link-ups. I'm such a bad blogger. Seems like Mondays are the only days I can muster up enough to talk about. That's sad.

1.)  My grandmother is very possibly about to move onto my parents property and this excites me GREATLY! She'll be safer and feel lots better about things. Bless her.

2.) I have a shopping addiction. It's okay though, I'll get help one day. :)

3.) I don't know that I could survive without my iPhone.

4.) I wish I worked for Pinterest. Hello, dream job!

5.) I adore going out to eat and spending time with friends!

The End. Happy Monday!

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