So long, 2011.. a little late!

Monday, December 26, 2011

It's that time again when we share all of our memories from the year. My, my.
Where have you gone?

I celebrated my 22nd birthday with great friends! We went to The Grill and had a blast. I just love the friends in my life. My roomates also threw me a SURPRISE party at the apartment. So. much. stinkin. fun!
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This baby, Lynlee Maxine Chrestman made her entrance into the world.  :)


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DiscipleNow Leader, Snow Day, and Valentines Day at School. Such sweet memories.


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  • Planting Flowers with the Kinders.
  • Royal Wedding. Got to hang out with my little prince @ school. :)
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  • I graduated from the best University ever, Ole Miss.
  • Got my 1st teaching job in 1st grade at Horn Lake Elementary. I will never forget it. They called at 6:30 in the morning and offered me the job!
  • Best graduated from ICC on the same day.

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  • Celebrated Merle's Birthday at Don Julio's. 
  • Had New Teacher Orientation that lasted WAYYYY tooo long!
  • Mother/Daughter Banquet at Church. My mama is the best coordinator.
  • I also finished my last undergraduate Special Education class at the Scott Center in Oxford. Those children stole my heart. :)

  • Moved into my new Grown-up apartment. Such an exciting time for me. 
  • Went on the trip of a lifetime to NYC with mama for graduation. Oh, the fun we had. We are going back soon! 

  • Harper met her cousin, Lily for the first time. :)
  • Finally got my teaching License in the mail. It took forever and had me sweating bullets.
  • Had my first substitute report because I got deathly sick the first week of school. I didn't mind coming back to THIS! :)

  • Back to Heaven on Earth- Game Day. Ole Miss. Oxford.

  • Celebrated Birthdays. 3 in one month, wow!
  • First field trip. Memphis Botanical Gardens. 
  • Ate at Texas de Brazil for the 1st time. Thanks, Adam! 
  • Thanksgiving Break- Shopping and waiting in line for a tv for 4 hrs on Black Friday.
  • Meals with family and friends and catching up on lots of important gossip. :)
  • Mrs. Richie passed away. God gained an angel on Christmas Eve.
  • Had a wonderful, relaxing Christmas with my sweet family.
  • Went to the Christmas house at Olive Branch with mama. Crazy, crazy.
Okay, this year has been wonderful and exciting! I've lived through some hard times and had some of the happiest in my life. God had a wonderful plan in showing me what he wanted me to do with his gifts that he blessed with. I'm thankful for a job that I LOVE, new friends, new fellowship in my faith, and new beginnings. God has even bigger plans for 2012 and I couldn't be anticipating them anymore than I am. For every season.......

{ it's almost Christmas}

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I absolutely love this time of year.

It means family that I haven't seen all year and I love catching up with. Special get-togethers with friends that I always come away with memories from, and Church sermons and programs that warm my heart.

This past Sunday, one of my best friends, Michelle, walked the isle and gave her life to God. Oh, my goodness. I boo-hooed. She had texted me earlier in the week and told me what had happened inside her and I was prepared but it still hit me deep. God has big ideas and plans for her life. Thank him she chose to follow his lead! :)

I know, "Jesus is the Reason for the Season"
If it wasn't for him being born on such a night in such unordinary conditions, we wouldn't have Christmas. Isn't it crazy to think that he loved us THAT much!? Wow...

I love decorating/decorations that are bright and Merry.
Oh, seriously! If every inch of my house could be decorated, it would. It's my favorite time of year!

Baking sweet treats that are so yummy. Getting family recipes to cook with are the best. I've been making some sweet things to eat and it's so bad for my already un-healthy weight gain. Oh, well. Isn't that what New Year resolutions are for? haha
Here's my personal Christmas card. Enjoy!
Merry Christmas!

What I'm Loving Wednesday! :)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

It's Wednesday, middle of the week, ALMOST Friday! 
As a teacher, we begin our end of week countdown! :)

Source: via Debbie on Pinterest

Amen, and Amen! 

Hello, Christmas Break is in 2 days! I am so excited to be off for 2- 1/2 weeks and do what I want to do for a couple of days! It'll be a fun time for my kiddos to spend time with their families/friends also. 

I'm loving these boots that I need, would love to have! Now to find them. Guess I'll have to order online. :(

Women's Mossimo® Kali Wedge Boot - Black.Opens in a new window
I'm loving all these cutesy, sweet crafts that teachers get to break out for Christmas time. My class is precious when we do these. Even though, they make me want to pull my hair out!

If Santa was stuck in my chimney I would... Pull him out by his boot and give him some hot chocolate! 
How precious!

I'm rejoicing!! One of my childhood friends, seriously, GREW UP together, got Saved today! God is so good! His plan is always wonderfully planned  and meant for a greater purpose. :)
So thankful! 

Also, another friend is going through something that is a pretty HUGE deal tomorrow! Wishing her the best! She knows who she is. 

Thankful for Christmas and what God, himself, did for us! Loving life at the moment.

Fa, la, la, la, la!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

I hate that I feel like I never have time for blogging. It is such a stress relief for me and I find myself not making time to do it.

Let's re-hash the past week. Shall we?

  • Christmas Ideas/Decorations
    •  If I don't quit Christmas shopping, I'm going to be completely broke before the end of the month. haha. It's so much fun buying decorations/ and presents for all the people that I love. My parents have always been so generous at Christmas time that I feel like I inherited that "spirit" of Christmas!
    • I have added some "happies" under the tree! :) Love it!

  • I had a fun little Skype date with Emily tonight. Let me just be sentimental for a minute, a while.  I had a blast my Senior year @ Ole Miss. We cooked together, sang together, danced together, and cried together. I remember many, MANY, nights that we were all so stressed (or so we thought then) about School of Ed, AKA, our home. We thought we just couldn't go another minute. I miss these girls so much in this season of life. I know that God is wanting me to branch out, meet new people, and enjoy the "NOW" but I still miss our closeness that we had.
    • So.. it does my heart good to Skype with these girlies and still share memories/text messages that we send frequently. :)

Even Harper got to talk to Aunt Emily! :)

Random: I saw a Twitter Status today that made me laugh and smile at the same time. 

"I want a Proverbs 31 woman instead of a Victoria Secret Model. 
Amen, and Amen. We need more like him!

Now: Just to end this random post. Some Pinterest finds for the week. Oh, how lovely!

Wedding Inspirations! :)
(no people, no reason to be looking at this. Maybe, someday soon!)
If you have any suggestions... Send them my way! I'm ready!!!

Need. these.


Love. this. Sprinkles for the "sweetest day of our lives"

Source: via Lauren on Pinterest


Yes! I've always wondered what I would do with that pillow, anyway.

I better stop. This could get U.G.L.Y!

Happy Friday Eve! Love y'all!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Saturday, December 3, 2011

It's my most FAVORITE time of the year! Decor, Christmas parties, Church musicals, Family time. Everything that is so much fun in one month! :)

Oh, be still my heart!!

Just a tour of what we have going on in my space that I call "home".

iPhone pics. Not the best quality!

Front Door

Love my rug, and the Santa. Anything bright and "merry" is on my list! :)

My Tree! I seriously have been collecting ornaments since I could walk and I have soo many that I love. It's hard to narrow them down. Maybe next year I shall have more than one tree. Ideas? Hmmm.....

My mantle is crazy and busy. I am planning on buying some lights after Christmas and put it on the greenery for next year. I need more lights and brights than it is this year. I got the greenery on sale last year with the tulle already on it. Score!

Thankful, my mama bought me this plate that I've been wanting. I got the Santa interchangeable for "free"  and I love it. I can't wait to buy the other holidays to switch it up. What a great idea. One plate, many occasions!

Won this at Bunco 2 years ago. One of my favorite decorations! :)

Another.. just sitting around!

Diet Coke and Ole Miss. Two things, if I didn't have, life wouldn't be as sweet! 

First present= mama's. Oh, it's good! :)

Christmas has been a joyful occasion in my family for as long as I can remember. My mother loves to decorate and instilled the family time in my brain/heart from an early age. BUT.. We all know, whether we worship or not, that Jesus is the real reason for the season!  He gets very little credit during this season and for that reason, we should be ashamed.

We wouldn't have Christmas if it was not for him. My kids started asking me questions about this the other day and it made me so happy to know that they were curious. Of course, being a teacher, I had to be careful as to what I could say but I was very conscious but told the truth. People-- THEY need to Know! :)

Hope you are having great weekends! 

It's Hump Day! :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Happy Wednesday! It's a good day. 

{It's Almost Christmas Break!}
Can I get a YAHOO! love it. I'm so excited. I can't wait to not have to do lesson plans, worry about whether or not my kids are going to make good MAP scores, get up with the chickens, you know.. many things. 

Please don't get me wrong, I am extremely thankful for my job. Just ready for a break! :)

One of my Firsties randomly did a book report and brought it in. I was a proud teacher! :)

Thanksgiving Turkey Chant! (sorry for the nasal-y, manly, sickly voice you hear. That would be Muah!) :)
They are a hot mess. Love them!


It's been rather chilly here lately, and I love it. I love being able to come in from a long day and lay around in the heat with a blanket and cuddle up and watch t.v. But-- As I was walking Harper last night it suddenly hit me that I was very thankful for having a job and being able to pay the bills so that I can enjoy the heat. 

It really hit me that I feel very, VERY sorry for the people who are on the streets and can't afford to pay their bills. There were probably people nearby me that were on the streets and were struggling last night while I was cuddled up in my house. Gosh, reality hit me like a ton of bricks. What am I doing to help others out? Got to work on this...

{Christmas Decor}
I absolutely adore this time of year. Decorating, hosting parties, being with family and friends, getting out of school/off of work, shopping. BRING. IT. ON!

Can't wait to sit back and enjoy the decorations that my mother has waiting on me at my home, home. :)

{Family, Friends}

My girl, Merle, and I went to Starkganistan, aka, Starkville, MS this weekend for the world-known Egg Bowl. Well, to put it lightly, it rained the whole game. We were crazy for sitting out in it but FREE tickets and a HUGE rivalry. Who wouldn't? HOTTY TODDY! My poor Rebels got beat pretty badly but we NEVER lose a party. 

We'll be back. Have no fear.

Before the game.

During the game! (yes, she's a traitor!) 

BTW: I'm saddened tonight for a guy who graduated from my High School. Adam Sullivan died in a car-wreck last night and I just really feel for his family and what they are going through. If you are a praying individual, please send up a prayer for them tonight. :) I know that they would be very grateful!


My latest finds. How I love this website!

Source: via Lauren on Pinterest

Just a little Wedding Dreaming. Come on Mr. Right! :)

Holiday Lovelies!

Source: via Lauren on Pinterest

I'm done! :) This could get dangerous.
Enjoy your Wednesday Night! Stay warm and thank God for your blessings!

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