A long time coming.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I have not written a new blog in almost a month. Can you tell I'm wayyy busy! School is going, and is killing me at the moment. I just have a million things on my mind and that is not a good feeling. Let me recap what has happened this month.

My car got hit.. AGAIN! ugh. Will be fixed soon.

I went to the beach during Spring Break. We had a blast! :)

We just had to do a jumping picture!

Caitlyn.. You are a mess!

School, Shopping, random road trips, homework, Church, eating out, and many other fun memories have occured.

I'm back. Another blog soon!

Exhausted, beyond belief.

Monday, March 8, 2010

McCarty sale. You were worth it, big time. But, I'm so glad you are only once a year!

We waited in line for about 10 hours and I mean it was intense....
(I am super excited about my purchases though.)
I met some really nice people and we had a great time "tailgating".
I am hoping to get lots of sleep tonight. That would be great.
My sweet "Harper" has not seen her mama in forever and I am getting here tomorrow to come to oxford. She is going to be so glad to see me!
Wedding Weekend is coming up. I have 2 Saturday, and I am very excited.
Spring Break. 6 days. Let the countdown begin!

I'm Back!

Monday, March 1, 2010

It feels like i haven't blogged in foreverrrr...

My life is crazy, busy, fun, out of control sometimes, and just plain boring at time. But you know what I'm doing it! It's an amazing journey.

My Harper is getting so big and she is so easy to handle now. Praise the Lord she grew up! :)

School is blah. But.. I can see the finish line.

Colonel Reb IS my mascot.

Spring Break is in 2 weeks. Alabama/Nashville here I come.

the weather is georgous for the most part now. i couldn't be happier.

I am hopefully working at a Special needs camp for at least a week this summer. My heart jumps when i think about it.

I am hopefully moving to a new, beautiful, house for next year. Too excited.

God is blessing and for that I am so grateful. He is just too much for me sometimes.

Why does he love us so much when we love him so little?

peace! :)

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