Feliz Navidad 2014.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

What a Christmas this was! It was full of family, friends and love. I got way more than I ever deserved and was able to spend time with people who I call family. We always have a pretty low-key Christmas around our house, (rest wise) and that was so nice this year. This year has been a very eventful one and I was thankful for time to unwind and renew my spirit over Christmas.

God is SO good to me and this Christmas I saw that I do not give him enough time in each day. Lately I have been feeling very unworthy for all of the many blessings that I have been given. I know that in the new year, I want to get closer to God and know his plan for my life. Christmas 2014 was a time for reflection and growth. Isn't it amazing how he knows just what we need, WHEN we need it most!

These pictures above are some of my favorite things about Christmas. My presents were an added bonus! 

I hope that you and your family had a Merry Christmas! I am grateful for what the Christmas story is all about. 

The first social gathering at 151.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

From the time I was little, I have always loved a good party. My mother has always hosted a Christmas supper, NYE party, SOMETHING at our home and it is one of my favorite things to attend. Good food, laughter, gifts, and together time making memories. What is there NOT to love about those times?

So, this year.. our cousin Christmas get together was at my house! I like to call it the first social gathering of 151. (btw: that's my house number.

So, the night before the gathering we had our Patton Christmas which was a blast as usual. When I left there it was 10:30 and I still had not bought the groceries for the party. To Kroger I went and shopped for the next day. Kroger that late at night is definitely the time to shop! 

The next morning I woke up and made Crock Pot Pizza, fixed a bagged salad, and made Chocolate dipped marshmallows.  I do not profess to be a cook but for me, this was good! I think my family was VERY shocked that I prepared a meal BY MYSELF. :)

With all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, I still have no dining room suite to show. Card tables are the next best thing so that's what we used. Let me tell you they worked just the same. I am a firm believer in paper products for the holidays because that time is not wasted on washing dishes. Do not get me wrong, beautiful Christmas china is beautiful but sometimes (such as this) totally unnecessary. 

Marshmallows were the hit of the party. One of our parents made these for our Christmas party at school and I fell in sweet, candy love. I decided these would be great for the Cousin Christmas and I even incidentally made them into the shape of a Christmas tree. 

I am so happy that everything went off without a hitch and I hope that my family felt at home and welcomed into my little happy place. I am so thankful to have a house this holiday season that I can decorate and share with family and friends.

Cousin Christmas 2014, you were fun! Can't wait for next year!

fourteen in '14

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

2014 is almost over and I can't believe what a whirlwind of a year that it has been!  


I have to start with a January memory or life just wouldn't be in order! ;) 
We spent the New Year in Nashville cheering on our Rebs in the bowl game. I had a lovely time spending time with family and friends and getting to visit Nashville for the first time.


I spent Valentines Day with these sweet ladies at a gun range. I call that the perfect Single gal's V-day! 


I celebrated with Leslie on her wedding day! Isn't her blue dress so unique and gorgeous!? There is of course a beautiful story behind it and maybe one day I can get her to type that out for me on here! (Blog post in the making!)


Tiny Ann made her/his appearance at a Relay for Life benefit. How funny that my brother who hunts and fishes and fights fires could make such a pretty girl! I still laugh about this! 


I finished my third year of teaching at Horn Lake Elementary and got a job teaching Kindergarten at Lafayette Elementary! It was such a bittersweet time!


Our sweet Hay got married in one of the prettiest weddings I have ever been a part of! Her wedding weekend was so easy and laid back and was BEAUTIFUL! God sure knew what he was doing when he brought us together at Ole Miss. Funny how you grow up in the same town and meet at college! 


We lost our sweet Claire this year! While this is not a happy memory, it is a happy time for her because she is with Jesus who is loving every silly story and joke that she has to tell. I can't wait to see her again! We miss you like crazy, Claire!


I bought a house!!! The biggest moment of my year came on this day. I had just signed my life away at closing but could not wait to start the process of moving in! Life is good and my God blessed me with a house that I LOVE!


I started teaching at Lafayette Elementary! Y'all.. God's plan is beautiful. I am teaching Kindergarten in the room that I student taught in 4 years ago. Tell me that wasn't planned in a way only our Lord can do it! I love everything about LES! Being back in Oxford is a dream come true!


Anyone that knows me, knows that I LOVE McCarty Pottery. I have been collecting for about 5 years now and it's everywhere in my house. On a day trip to the Delta, I taught Mr. McCarty how to fins up! Isn't he precious, y'all?


We had the best season in Ole Miss football that I have ever been a part of! This year was an awesome year especially beating Alabama! I cried.. and I'm not ashamed to say that! #hottytoddy


We won the egg bowl! It's always a WONDERFUL memory! Whose STATE is it? 


Getting to watch the Oxford Christmas parade with The DuBois' family was so fun for me this year! Being back in Oxford and getting to relish in what my town has to offer made me nothing but giddy. 


As I go through each of these memories, I tear up and remember the feelings that I had during that moment! WOW! God has blessed me more that I ever deserve and I am truly grateful. I don't deserve anything to the measure that I have been given. 

I just hope that 2015 is an even better year full of Jesus, memories and me being intentional to the people in my life. I hope that 2015 will be the year of many hopes and dreams come true!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year people! 

Ladies and Gentleman, that's a wrap!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

I can't believe that after Saturday, we only have a bowl game left. 
I mean, what am I supposed to do with myself on Saturdays? I'm sure I can find LOTS to do but still, it's sad. Red and Blue outfits, Colonel Reb in The Grove, and friends/tailgates makes me one happy lady! I'm always ready to show my love for the Rebs!

These pictures are just a FEW that were taken to remember the 2014 Football Season. It was a WILD ride with a win against Alabama and we had a few (ahem) rough losses but our boys deserve all the praise that we can give them! I am SICK of hearing all these "Ole Miss fans" who keep downing our boys and have no faith in them this coming Saturday. No matter what happens (even though boys, I'm counting on a WIN) these guys will have my full attention and all the yelling and clapping that I can muster. 

This week in the state of Mississippi is the biggest game of the year! The Egg Bowl will start at 2:30 on Saturday and it's anyone's game this year! I PRAY that our boys are ready to fight and that we end the game with a Win in our favor. It's about time to shut those dogs up! It's rivalry like none other and I can't wait to share the excitement on Saturday!

Who is your pick for Saturday? #hottytoddy

What's been happening lately?

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Well, it's been a while so let's play catch-up! Isn't that what Thanksgiving Week is for, huh?

My sweet Mom was in the hospital about two weeks ago with a crazy bacteria in her body. She felt fine, was running no fever BUT was sick and had to have an IV only. I really hope that at 89 that's all I need too. She is feeling a little better now but that painting that I brought for her hospital room cheered her up. SEE... Mom has a son and his family who are State fans and then My side of the family are all Rebel fans. She is split in between and that white house up there looks just like her sweet house! 

She better be displaying that this week even though I know which side she is going for! :) #hottytoddy

It never fails in my small, hometown church that someone is going to be dressed like you! I love when this happens and we always have to take a picture to document the moment. This baby girl is so precious and her smile makes me happy! Love you, Adelyn!

Excuse the cursing but isn't this the truth! I find myself these days wondering if I'll ever be able to save money and have a backup plan.. Please tell me this is all a part of being in my twenties? SOMEBODY....

So, I found out that the author of The Polar Express was coming to Square Books Junior and I knew that I had to get my book signed. It turned into a $40 affair, and a wait of about an hour but dadgumit, Ms. Patton's class has a signed book to enjoy! I really can't wait to show them that I met the author. 

This special lady was the highlight of my day at the Helen Brett Jewelry show! This is Mrs. Lott, who was my mentor teacher and helped me survive my 1st year of teaching! She is the sweetest lady that you could ever meet! I'll always be her biggest fan! :)  Love you, Miss you!

So, that's a wrap tonight! I'm on the couch recovering from a Doctor's Visit yesterday and a Christmas putting up palooza today! More to come about that..

I'll be back tomorrow, you just wait and see...

Fall Festival time!

Monday, October 27, 2014

I love anything, everything Ole Miss FALL! (All you OM fans, think Rebel Rags commercial). I have my house all decorated with pumpkins, mums, and all things that make me smile. I can't believe it is almost November but I can't say that I am sad about it. Fall is just the best time of year to reflect on what I've been through and the fun times that we have ahead.

So much has happened since the Summer and I'm thankful that life is continuing to surprise me. My kiddos at school are precious and loud :), my Rebs are playing some awesome football and last but certainly not least, God is blessing in many areas of my life. I am SO blessed and I have to remind myself often that I need to be the blessing he wants me to be, back into this world. 

Our church had our annual Fall Fest on Saturday night. We have a sweet couple at church who shares their home every year and it's always the best fun! This year we had trunk or treat and I helped my mother get all the pumpkins ready to decorate with. I thought her trunk looks pretty cute myself!

Our kiddos dress up and have an inflatable that entertains them for the night. This year I thought the inflatable was rather fitting... (too bad our Rebs lost Saturday night).  The highlight of the night besides enjoying all of the company was the outside TV set up! I think my hint was taken ;) and it made my night to be able to see my Rebs play while having fun! Thanks Erik and Alison! 

I can't wait to see what else is up this Fall's sleeve. The weather is bipolar but times are still good. I can't wait for another weekend of football, family and friends! Hope you are all doing well! Stay away from Ebola. 

All WE do is WIN!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Hey Y'all! I'm BACKKKK! I've missed writing SO much and I'm stoked to be back and have lots to talk about. Let's start, shall we?

By the way.. Did y'all know our team was 6-0??

There has been A LOT of this going on! The Grove has been visited and lots of yelling has happened. I'm so thankful to be from a University that calls me back time and time again. Caitlyn and I love running into people that we know and love and one of those girls we just love is Rachel! We seriously have to have a date soon! 

So, two weeks ago Ole Miss had a special remembrance day for Chucky Mullins. It was full of memories, videos, people that were a part of his life and made us all realize what an inspiration he was. They passed out #38 pins at the game and made the whole day about him. If you have no clue what/who I am talking about, please read this! He was awesome and took what happened to him in stride. So, the picture up there? How does that go with this story! ;) I was having my weekly McAlisters date and this was the number that I was given.. Coincidence? NOT!

Alabama Football Weekend: 

This was BY FAR one of the best game weekends I've ever had! GameDay paid The Grove a visit and I'm pretty sure they were in heaven! Rumors are.. they are coming back! I sure hope so! We got to the Grove around 8:30 and made a day of it! It was electric and people were full of hope and excitement. 

There they are! Come back soon! 

HUGH! We love this guy! He's an all around great Coach!

In case you've been living under a rock, WE BEAT ALABAMA! And yes.. we tore the goal post down. But, don't judge us because we paid the fines (because we can) and got it taken care of. 

The State of Mississippi is rocking it in the polls and we are 6-0! What is this? I am such a proud Rebel fan! Keep it going, REBS!

Adam got to work the game and was even on the sidelines! I'm VERY jealous!


I own a HOUSE!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Y'all.. it happened!  I bought a house! When I found out that I had gotten the Kindergarten teaching job at Lafayette, I started looking for somewhere to live. Now, in Oxford this is no small feat. 

I searched high and low for an affordable house that I would love for years to come. Every time I came to town I would drive around and see if there was anything out there for me. After all the months of looking, I had a couple of leads and made even made an offer on a house that I thought I LOVED. It all happened so quickly and then it fell apart. (Let's just say the house wasn't for me and would have been a disaster if it should have happened.)

I'm so thankful that my Sweet Savior always has his hands on my every decision. After the house incident, my mother heard about another house that was about to be put on the market and told me that I should look into it.  I went and looked at the house and loved it! I'm so thankful that I found it when I did.


I never realized what a process buying a house truly is. Through the making offers, negotiating and closing, it has been crazy but fun! I'm happy to say that on this past Thursday, this beaut became MINE!

I'm grateful to my Mother and Daddy who had to do most of the "non-fun" work throughout the process. Being a teacher and closing on a house is not easy and they had to make a lot of the decisions because I wasn't available during the day. I will never be able to re-pay them for all of their help!

Soon and very soon, I will have an update on the decorating and finishing touches of the house. We are moving Tuesday and I know I'll go full-force to get a lot of the decorating done! I am SO excited about having a place in my favorite town to call home!

 Now I'm on the hunt for a dining room table and other accessories for my new abode. If you have any suggestions or see anything that I can't live without, hit me up on Social Media!

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