Friday Letters.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Dear Junkin, You have become one of my favorite pasttimes. In case you are confused, "junkin" is thrifting and finding old things that I can re-do to look fabulous! :)

Dear summer- please slow down! I love being a teacher more than you know, but I am enjoying sleeping till 12:00, blogging whenever I feel like it, and getting a nice tan. Please don't take that away from me.  Dear craigslist-you are a habit that I need to stop. But, in case you were needing to know, it's all my daddy's fault. bill him. Dear teacher pay- I am very grateful for what I do make, but it would be so nice if you could expand your generosity just a tad bit. I would forever be fond of you! Dear family- I've had so much fun being back home with you for these past 3 weeks but I am desperate need of going back to my "dwelling place" to clean, get new clothes, and prepare for the year ahead. Please understand! Dear heavenly father-Why have you blessed me with all that I have? I am very proud of all that you have given me but I will never understand why you continue to love me the way that you do! You are a great God and I will forever praise your name!

 Happy Friday to you! Hope you have the most exciting weekend ever. What are your plans?



  1. I love going junking!!! One man'a trash is another man's treasure for suuure

  2. craigs list can be so addicting if you find a great deal ;) super cute blog by the way girl and great list! have a great friday! xo

  3. Love your letters miss! Found your blog from Ashelys page and wanted to say hello!

    Happy to be your newest bloggy friend & follower :)!

    Say hi back sometime?

  4. omgosh junkin!! that looks like SO MUCH fun! found you via the link up and am excited to follow along xo


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