// The right here and Now.//

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

This idea has been all over the internet and I'm just itching to try it out and see how it works for my blog. I love telling you and whoever will listen what's happening in my life and hopefully this will help do that! 

**I know that the label above needs to be changed and it will be eventually. It'll have to do for now. 

Currently I am...:

This CD is amazing. Be sure and check it out on iTunes. I heard this group during Secret Church and the song, "Man of Sorrows" has been on my replay. Let me know what you think!


I'm on a Jimmy Fallon kick! He is such a great late night show host. He has awesome celebrities and always holds my attention. I miss some Jay Leno but I'm glad he took his place. 


This book has been eye opening so far. It is amazing to see the sacrifices and choices that Jen makes in her life to show her love for Christ. She takes her life and turns it around to make him more known. I find myself highlighting and turning back pages on ideas that I love and would love to implement into my daily life. I think her words are powerful and need to be heard. I found the book on Amazon for cheap and I think everyone should at least read it to see what her ideas are about.


Thank goodness I'm not hungry at the moment but I could at any moment of the day eat chicken/french fries and plenty of Abners sauce from none-other, Abners. I think this meal would be my last if I were on death-row! 

My handy-dandy MK. I've been carrying all summer and it's time that I swapped. It's so easy to throw everything in and GO! I love the brown color too because it goes with any outfit. Am I a walking advertisement or what!?


I'm currently in the bed with a big t-shirt on. I don't think you want to see an elegant picture of that. 

Obsessed With:  

Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, House hunting and furnishing a house, making my classroom look put together and ready for my sweet Kinders. Lots and Lots of things these days!

Currently.. I am very sad and heartbroken. 

Photo: My sweet friend, Claire went to be with Jesus today. Even though none of us understand and all of us are hurting, we will trust the ONE who brought us all together during our college  years. Jesus knows why and will comfort her family and all of her friends. We will all miss your smiling face, Claire!

My sweet friend, Claire went to be with Jesus today. She died suddenly and totally unexpected. Please pray for her family and the days ahead. She has many friends and family that are heartbroken. I can't wait to do a recap soon of all the fun memories that we shared. RIP Claire! 

Tell your friends and family that you love them any chance that you get!


  1. so, so sorry for your loss, hun.

  2. Praying for you and Claire's family. I can't imagine losing a friend I am so close to.

    You are in my thoughts and I totally need to read that 7 book. Once I get through the four I just bought from amazon ha ha.


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