The hands that hold the world, are holding your heart.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hey Friends!

How are your lives going? Mine is great. Summer school for June is practically over and I couldn't be happier. I am antsy about this social studies class and I would love to get an A out of it.

We got done with VBS, Saddle Ridge Ranch, at Bellevue and it was a hit. Our kids were precious. I was the Kindergarten teacher and I had a great time. I just absolutely think that my purpose in this life is to love on every single kid that I come into contact with. :) I can't wait to become Miss Lauren.

I also learned from my precious little girl, Ansley, how to find a husband and have a baby when I "grow up". It was a precious moment. :)

We also had a mother/daughter banquet at our church and it was a beautiful day with precious mamas and sweet daughters. We helped decorate and it turned out to be our best one yet. Church family is so important to me and I sincerely say that if you don't have one, please join a church! You won't regret it.

School is blah, of course but God has a plan. I am just hoping to finish school on time, find a job, and begin my "young" adult life.

God show me what your plan is! :)

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. HOORAY for summer school almost being OVER!!!
    YAY!! :) I really can't even express my excitement!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) haha!


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