Light at the end of the tunnel.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It's almost over! Praise him.
This semester has {almost} gotten the best of me. Very late nights, sick children in my classroom, a seizure on the playground, WAY too many assignments, and just plain busyness.

God has SURE gotten me through all these hard times and I am forever thankful! I take my first final tomorrow and then next week, it's all over! I am so excited to not have to think about school and finally get to accomplish some things that I need to get done.

I went to the BSU Tacky Christmas Sweater Party last night and had a fun time, ate way too much junk, and got to say bye to some pretty amazing people.

Pictures to come SOON..


  1. A seizure on the playground?! Oh my goodness!

  2. Yes! It was soo scary! How are you my dear? BTW: It makes me happy that ashley and yourself are about the only ones that read this thing! :)

  3. read it. love you! :) Hang in there!


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