It's True.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Blogging has been nothing but a blessing to me! Luckily, knock on wood, I haven't been caught up in any drama and fighting between the ladies who blog. I feel that blogging is such a personal journey and a place where I can come to show my style, my spirit and my spunk! 

But.. so many times I see things that I just have to do, have to experience and have to buy! Have you ever been there?

It's sad! But, so fun at the same time!

for example:

Coupons: I love finding ways to save money! Since becoming a "serious" blogger, I have found numerous coupons and ways to save a little bit of moolah. Seriously, some bloggers even focus ALL THE TIME on ways to save money and share their knowledge with us! Check them out!

DIY: I love a good crafty project and a sweet lady who blogs posted some beautiful fabric from Hobby Lobby on her blog page. Of course it inspired me and I had to find this fabric pronto! I thought these fabrics were beautiful together and just like that.. A blog post got me into a store! 

Home Decor/Decorating: I've always liked decorating but since reading lots and lots of blogs, decorating has a whole new meaning. I am not a match-y person, cue this picture, but I love looking at the most stylish houses around. Blogs give me so much inspiration while just sitting at home reading away!

Pictures of pretty much anything: I've always loved pictures, remember those days of the role that you had to send off. Oh, the days! Now, bloggers will take pictures of pretty much anything. Food, bathrooms, clothes, etc. It's fun to see what makes it on these ladies' blogs.
 I'm broke because of blogging/bloggers: These shoes for examples. I had seen enough of these glittery shoes on blogs that I just had to try it out for myself. They are a staple in my wardrobe for a least 3 days a week. So, it's true. Most things that bloggers wear and share ARE really worth your time and money. I adore my purchase! :) 
ATTENTION: Blogging may make you go broke.

I wouldn't have it any other way! I just love this community we have.


  1. So fun! Thank you so much for linking up! :) I know how you feel! I have bought far too many pairs of shoes because of this crazy blog world full of shoppers!

  2. haha blogging has made me realize that i am the opposite of crafty. more like craft fail!


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