This Teacher is TIRED.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

This little guy is my HERO!

I just love what he has to say.

I've had my first day with my Kindergarten babies and they are going to be full of challenges and lots of hugs this year. I've got a classroom that is going to be so fun and very, very lively!

I saw lots of teacher's post this prayer but it is so true and spoke volumes to my heart. Every student in my room this year was picked and I have to count my blessings about the children the Lord has blessed me with! I pray that this prayer is on my heart every morning while I am prepping for the day.

For all of my MSU friends, our school colors are maroon and white. Look what the required "shirt" was today. To say this die hard REBEL was okay was this still stands! :) Also, Starbucks was bought for a "happy" on the first day.

I'm so excited to begin this school year and I'll be sure to update you over on my teaching blog! Also, Facebook, twitter and Pinterest will be full of my happies too! For all of my teacher friends, let's all remember this:

Let me know your thoughts, ladies! 


  1. YAY for maroon and white! Oh, and I need to know where you got that shirt because I need one! =)

  2. You look beautiful in maroon! :)

    I can only hope our (future) children have teachers that care about them as much as you care about your babies.

  3. Where do you teach that starts so early ?! My mom doesn't start teaching until after Labor Day

  4. Sounds like you are going to have a great year! I can't wait to get into my library Wednesday!


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