A "doggone" fun Birthday Party.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Harper turned 1 on July 21, 2010

She had a small party with my family, even though she had no idea what a birthday meant. :)
(We had fun)

Her Cards from Aunt Amy and Nana and Grandaddy! :)
My failed attempt at a sign.

Her look alike cookies that I made.

She got lots of lovin from her nana.

Harper is a mess, a lot of work, but she's worth it!

Getting her voicemail from Aunt Caitlyn!

My little dog - a heartbeat at my feet. ~Edith Wharton

“She is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are her life, her love, her leader. She will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of her heart.”



  1. I love Harper's first birthday party pics! Chloe had a huge party for her first one too! I love the hat and banner! The cookies look so yummy!

  2. haha. Thank you! I am definetely not the MOST creative party. Did you post pictures? I'll have to look in your archives! :)

    Thanks for your sweet comments!

  3. I LOVE HARPER as if it were a secret! :) i hope my favorite pootch had a great bday party. so sorry i couldnt be there! :) Aunt Katy has her present. :)


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