The Good. The Bad. No Ugly.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Hello my friends! Hope you had a wonderful, exciting weekend! I sure didn't have my busiest weekend but it was just as nice. So, let's get started, shall we?

First: Friday night, the best and I met in Oxford and hung out on the square watching the crazies, and soaking up every bit of fun that we could. I'm pretty sure I've helped make her into a huge "Oxford" admirer. I'm pretty dang proud...

Second:  My Rebels pulled an SEC win Saturday and I could have maybe did cry a little! It was a wonderful victory and I enjoyed sitting on my couch watching the game in my pjs. BUT... What I would have given to be in my Red dress, waving my pom-pom and yelling Hotty Toddy over and over and over again. But, these were our good/awesome/bad scenes from the game. Whoever put this together, you did good my friend. These plays were awesome! I can't tell you how proud I am of our team stepping up and playing like us LOYAL fans have been waiting to see!

Third: Mama and I went shopping after the game Saturday and I bought some wonderful fall candles at Bath and Body Works. Go check them out, seriously. I might have been in there 30 minutes because I can't make decisions. :)

Fourth: It's Monday. 8:00 at Horn Lake Elementary, one of my babies vomited on the carpet and guess who had to call the janitor because she couldn't handle it? ME! It was awful and I felt so sorry for him. Does it make me a sweeter teacher that I half held him/walked him to the bathroom to clean up!? Poor, poor baby.

and Fifth: I'm going this weekend on a girls outing to meet a jewelry designer. Want to take a guess who it is? I'll be posting about this, I am sure! So excited. Is it Friday yet? I am not going to be a negative nanny and wish this week away. I can do this! 

Happy Monday! We've got 4 days to make a difference in someone's life. Let's do this!

Some pictures that I think you should see.


After my night walk. I'm relaxing now! Isn't life grand?

i told my daddy I found my Christmas present. 
He was excited.

Mama and I visited St. Peter's and had too much fun! 
Love this place!

and the results. Love it!


  1. OMG love your pumpkins!! We can make it through this week! You almost saw a Nicole break down at school today. ;)

  2. I totally love the pumpkins!! The polka dot one is SO cute!!

  3. Hahahaha I can just picture Mr. David's excited face over that Christmas list item! Please let me know how that one works out for you.


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