God's gifts put man's best dreams to shame. ~EBB

Monday, June 29, 2009

Here I am in my 5th week of Summer Missions in Montana! God is so good. Let me tell you. I have surely been shown that I am blessed beyond measure and I should Thank him everyday. We talked about yesterday how our parents should teach us about Jesus and I can't thank my parents enough about raising me in church and showing me the way i needed to grow up in God.

I am having a great week in Helena. We have been able to help out and teach in VBS and we have also had some down time. Today we rode a carousel, went to some shops downtown where i got an ICED COFFEE! WOO HOO!!!! :)

God has shown me this summer that I can do anything in him if I believe in him even more, and Trust him for it all. So far we have been able to share our testimonies and just be a friend to these precious kids. They may not remember a thing we said but they sure remember if we LOVED on them or not.

Please pray for us that we have a HUGE impact on them and their families. We are doing a food drive at the end of this week and I know God will show up and bless that.

Lovin this summer.


1 comment:

  1. I miss you soooo much. But, im glad you are loving it out there! Cant wait to seee you!!!! :) LOVE.


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