They taught me.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Chase it with all that you have, because if you do what you 
love with the talents given 
from the One who loves you, then you will show love better 
to others.

These precious Kinders + 3 more were my pride and joys this year. They provided me with  loose teeth,bathroom worries, throw up, plenty of tears, Miss Laurrrreeennn's x 20,000 a day, and lots of hugs, I love you's, and smiles. Oh, how I am going to miss them! 

I remember walking into their classroom on the first day of student teacher, and being a bit scared as to what I was going to do. I knew that I could do it, but I worried that they would be hard to warm up to. Geez, they started asking questions the minute I walked in and that my friends, never stopped! :)

I couldn't have asked for a sweeter class. Little K- my munchkin, preemie at birth, just like me and we share the same hole in our nose because of it. :) (she pointed this out to me one day)
Ole Coop- He would cry EVERY day that he fell asleep at nap-time and would throw a hissy- fit because he didn't want to wake up and get busy. CC- My cute boy. I was at the hospital the day he was born and I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to be his student teacher. :)

These precious little kiddos of mine taught me so many lessons this year. They tell all, they like to test the waters, they believe in EVERY thing that comes out of your mouth, and they depend on you for everything. 
I've often heard that teachers are doctors, nurses, dentist, counselors, you name it. ALL in one day! I believe it.

Thank you kinders for allowing me to see how to be a Teacher! You sure helped me along the way and I will never forget you! 

The little poem I gave each kid on my last day! So sweet, and exactly how I felt!

Ice-Cream Party.. Oh, what fun!

Mrs. Sneed/Jo gave me this teacher "Survival kit". This will come in handy! I loved it!

CC's mama gave me this to add to the collection! :)
My cutesy Apron. I just love teachy-things! They were so good to me.

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