Matt Papa, guys!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Have you ever heard his music? It's amazing. I had the opportunity to worship with   Matt Papa during a DiscipleNow @ Calvary Baptist in Batesville, Mississippi. He is a guy who is on fire for God and shows it during the entirety of his show. It's an amazing sight to see him playing his music with every ounce of energy that is in him. 

His album, This Changes Everything,will be available August 2nd on iTunes and on his website,  Really people, do yourself a favor and buy his album. It will speak to you in many ways because you will be able to relate to every song. I guarantee it!

God has blessed Matt with a great voice and the ability to reach people with his music. I related to so many of his songs during the D-Now weekend and I have kept up with his projects since. 

BTW: I was not paid to do this review but I was able to listen to the entire NEW album. That's how I know it will be worth your moo-lah! 
1,2,3-- Go support!


  1. he's awesome! my brother-in-law has done some song writing with matt papa. there on the same record label. love him!

  2. AH! I just took a listen on YouTube and he is AMAZING! Definitely going to check it out further! THANK YOU for sharing!

  3. I love Matt Papa! I cannot wait to get the new album - he's so gifted.


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