my happy.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Late post tonight. I'm exhausted, it's been a crazy busy day but so thankful for a job that I get to help little people succeed. 

Reading this blog tonight and a link-up is happening. 

She talks about her happies and I thought it was a genius idea. I think we would agree that we all differ but get our happiness from all kinds of things!

pictures of anything that I see. I might take more pictures than should be allowed. My poor iPhone gets a workout every day, all day.

candles. I love burning candles that smell of pumpkin, apple, cinnamon, or any kind of berries. Burning a candle just calms my soul especially after a long day of work.

The Bachelor. Don't judge me! Something about watching a beautiful man "pursue" many women to find out who his wife is, is appealing to this single girl as she sits on the couch. #bachelortwitterpartynextweek

planning for the Future. Just look on my Pinterest board.  My engagement ring, wedding, honeymoon, babies rooms and what I am going to do on their first day of school is already planned. i may or may not be exaggerating. 

spontaneous dinner dates. My aunt and Uncle came to town and took me out to dinner! I had a great catch-up time with them.

Jesus is my Savior.  Enough said.

I could think of so many more but I will stop! I would love to hear your happies.  Comment away! 


  1. I love your happy post! And I agree with you... I would have a different candle in every room if the Mr would let me! =) And poor pinterest... it gets a workout from me, but there are only a few that I follow through with. I need to do better about this! Note to self - if you pin it, do it! It's Wednesday!! Whoo HOO... we made it half way! Have a great day girl!! And thanks for linking up!

  2. Cinnamon candles are my fav!
    I don't watch the Bachelor, never have. But apparently there's a girl on there that my co-workers think is my doppelganger. I can't remember her name, starts with a T...

  3. What a great idea to list the little things that make you happy! I should really do this!


  4. I LOVE the Bachelor. It makes me feel so normal & sane haha


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