Butte, Montana. Singing, Lord, I was born a rambling Man..

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Those lyrics are from a Rascal Flatts Song.. We are in Butte, Montana and so far our day has been wonderful. We have had a great day and boy it has not been relaxing.
What a week we have had in Helena. Last week was a BIG challenge but praise the good Lord above we made it through. God knew what he was doing but we had to hand it over to him and put it in his hands.
I learned that when we have a problem talking about the person is not the answer. Giving the problem to God is... He can take care of anything. :)
This week we are all split up into different homes and I think that it is going to be a neat experience. We are so used to being a group that we are kind of excited to see what happens. I am staying with a family that has a 2 year old little girl, Priscilla, and a 8 month old, Owen! I am really excited to see how God works in this VBS!
Yesterday we got to go to Yellowstone, and boy I had a fun day. I took LoTs of pictures and I saw some neat animals. I loved it. We left at 5:30 AM and got home at 1:00 AM. Big long day.
We are doing VBS again this week and I am teaching the 1st and 2nd graders. Pray for us and pray that God provides exactly what those little boogers need to hear.
Peace! :)

1 comment:

  1. LP I pretty much love that you just said boogers in your blog! haha! I miss you much. Can't wait to see you soon! Take care. Love you! Acts 20:24


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