Monday Memories.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Little Moments Like This

Double Decker was a hit! We had a wonderful time visiting with old friends, and being in back in Oxford for me, was a wonderful time. Man, how I miss this place!

Colonel made his appearance and my cute SIL to be made the cute little cookie up top. Double Decker 2012-- You made my weekend special! 

My daddy grew these roses in our backyard and picked me some today before I came back. I love my McCarty vase and it made my house a little more homey! 

He also helped me fix these flowers today. It won't fit on my railing as planned, but it looks cute sitting on the concrete! It's Spring Time! :)

Snuggles with my Harper. She's so sweets. 

Best time this weekend was fun! She got introduced to DD12 and I think she enjoyed it! #hottytoddy

this is why I love living in the country. Look at this scenery! 


Dear Monday, A day off of school was much needed. I am excited to see my Firsties tomorrow but it was nice to do some things that I needed to  wanted to do today!

Dear Monday,  i really, really am considering a summer part-time job. Am I crazy??

Dear Monday, Could you please make the rest of the week as nice and relaxing as today was? That would be very welcomed.

Dear Monday,  If everyone could be off today, I think we would all like you alot more! 

Hope your weekend was wonderful. Please do share what you did.



  1. I'm glad you had fun in Oxford! Love that colonel reb in your pic!

  2. Thanks so much for linking up Lauren! Harper is adorable and I love her name!


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