Weekend Shenanigans.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Sami's Shenanigans

This weekend was full of coughing, traveling and fun. Which one of these doesn't belong?

Let's recap.

I had our girls bunco group on Saturday at my apartment and it was a BLAST! We had "walking tacos" which I had at Relay for Life and I loved. It's super easy! Here's the recipe on Pinterest! I used Doritos instead of Fritos. Totally your call!

These ladies are so special to me and the majority of them go to my church which is even more fun!

I ended up coming home because I'm just NOT feeling well at all. So ready to get over these colds/sinus infections I've been having. Any suggestions let me know?

Today consisted of: A doctor's visit, Goodwill shopping and this lovely place- Oxford. Love that the tag found another way to spell my favorite place! :)

Hope y'all are having a great start to your week!

1 comment:

  1. i filled in for bunco last week for my grandma's group of ladies. it was so fun, and those old ladies were a hoot. those walking tacos are genius too!


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