Sunday blessing.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Lord is good and knows exactly what needs to be done in each of our lives. I'm trusting today that he will strengthen my two hands in order to live stress free and trust in him daily. I know that GOD is love and he loves us.

When we become overwhelmed and need him, remember his love is strengthening our hands to do good.

BTW: Happy 40th Anniversary to my parentals! :)

Hope your Sunday is amazing and full of rest and peace.


  1. What a great reminder! I'm reading this a day late but it was the perfect thing to start off a Monday! Thanks, friend!

  2. Hey Lauren!

    I LOVE that you mentioned Nehemiah. My church did a series on Nehemiah in January about how he was helping rebuild the wall for Israel and withstood the opposition against him. From the same chapter- "I am doing a great work and I cannot come down". Nehemiah 6:3. So powerful!


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