First Days.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hey Friends!
I'm still alive.. barely. I have been so busy with In-Teacher Service and getting my room prepared that the blog has fell by the wayside. Promise I'll be back soon. :)

I had my FIRST open house tonight and I am so excited about what the year holds. My parents/students were so sweet and seem very helpful and excited about me being their teacher. I am stressed but honestly I am so excited that I can't be super nervous right now. I know that God has me in the right place and that he will help me get through these first weeks. I'm so excited so stay tuned to see how it goes.

My "firsties" come Thursday, so I am sure that there will be a blog post about my 1st day! :)

Hope you are having the times of your life. 

Just a few of my favorites right now. 

I love my door and my morning chart! :) 

Alumni Brick @ Ole Miss! So proud!


  1. Congrats on your ole miss brick!! At Arkansas we have the senior walk where they etch your name into the sidewalks around's so cool to see your name on something so permanent!

    And best of luck with this upcoming school year! I can't wait to read about how it goes!

  2. Good luck with everything !!! I know it will go just perfectly though :) you seem like a great teacher.

  3. Good luck! I'm sure it will go great!


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