iPhone linkup. Just what I need.

Monday, August 8, 2011

I am so excited that Savanah decided to do this link-up. It makes me so excited when I take a good picture, instagram it, and it is saved to my computer roll. :)
Now, I know that makes me sound like a nerd, so be IT.

Just a few favorites from this week. Read here to see what's happened so far in my life this week. It's been an exciting week! :) My dreams and goal for the past 4 years of college came true and I actually was able to control and teach 24 1st graders.
An apple a day. Wish I would have listened.. now I have a sore throat and feel terrible. This is starting too early! 
Just a little road trip Friday afternoon. We saw some crazies but had fun walking down the pathway.
Love my door! Thanks to my assistant, Bethany, our door looks so cute! I love it. It's a work in process but it'll be perfect for my first one to conquer. :)

Loving this iPhone dump, per se. Can't wait to participate every week. 

I'm hitting the hay early tonight. Please pray that I feel better in the morning, I just can't be sick already. My kids are going to be raring to go in the morning and I need to feel my best.  
Happy Sunday-for Monday!


  1. YAY!!! I am so glad you decided to play along!!! Don't forget to link up on my page!! :) :)

  2. Oh my, congrats on successfully keeping control of a classroom!! That makes you a super-woman for sure!

    Thanks for linking up with us!


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