The facts of LpE.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Love this link-up to show you some facts about Moi
such a great idea, Whitney

First off, I've always loved shoes, jewelry, purses, and babies!

one. I love to shop all day, everyday. My budget needs some help! It's a good thing that most of my purchases are from thrift stores.

two.I have a brother, Adam who is a fireman. 
Don't tell him but, I kinda look up to him a lot.

three. I do not like odd numbers. If my car radio, or any number for that fact are on odd numbers, it must be turned immediately. I also can't stand chewing and smacking noises. does that make me crazy???

four. I have been teaching for almost 2 years. I've had a year and a half in 1st grade and then 3 months in Kindergarten Special Education. :)

five. I'm a believer in Jesus Christ. through Him I am so, so blessed.
if you want to know him, contact me! I would love to talk with you.

six. I was a preemie. 4lbs. 6oz. Sick little baby but look at me now. just an FYI: I have a hole in my nose from where it didn't form completely! 

seven. I'm a little obsessed with Ole Miss. It's my Alma Mater, so there you go. I'm a huge football fan and Vaught Hemingway/The Grove are my happy places. 
My heart bleeds red and blue.
oh, look! Game day with one of my favorite bloggers, Rachel.

eight. My parent's are my best friends and my support system. They love me like no other and pray for me never ceasing. I couldn't ask for a better blessing!

I could go on for days. But.. 8 is an even number and I believe it's a great stopping point! 
Any facts you know that I forgot?

Comment away, ladies!


  1. LP...1. Why in the world are you up so late on a school night?! 2. Why am I up? Haha. 3. Love the first picture, it is SO you! 4. I'm ending this on an even number because I love you!

  2. EEEEK! I love that picture of us. And I love this whole post. Makes me feel like we're for real bffs :)

  3. Love number five and I hate that I missed this linkup! : (

  4. I'm soooo excited to be your newest follower!! And even though you are an Ole Miss fan... I'll still read and comment on your blog posts! =) #hailstate ;)
    Thanks for following me, and I can't wait to read more about you and your fun!!

  5. I meant to tell you..I'm loving your new header! So pretty!
    You and your brother look so much alike!
    You little girl pic is way too precious! :)

  6. I've never made it to the Grove, but it's on my list of stadiums to visit. I sure can appreciate another rabid female football fan :)


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